Linux-Misc Digest #528, Volume #25               Tue, 22 Aug 00 20:13:03 EDT

  Re: Hard Drive Has Shrunk ("David ..")
  Re: Installing 2nd hard disk ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: pipes again?? ("Peter T. Breuer") (Doug O'Leary)
  Re: NTFS? (David Dorward)
  Re: NTFS? ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: [Xpert] LILO
  Re: ("David ..")
  bad sector ("crow")
  PHP - database driven web development (paul simdars)
  PHP installation (paul simdars)
  Where is the Gnome global config file? ("Eric J. Rothfus")
  Re: Open source Driver for Yamaha XG-SD (Glitch)
  Anyone know of any Linux newsgroups dealing with Squid proxy server? ("Dave T")
  Re: TCP/IP networking problem and DLink NIC (Dances With Crows)
  Re: PHP - database driven web development (Dances With Crows)
  Re: help on uid/gid of /dev/dsp (PoD)
  installing RH linux on a Windows98/NT Server machine ("D. M. Smith")
  Re: need serious help here... X hates me! (Dances With Crows)
  Re: Not able to add new partitions for Rh6.1 install (Garry Knight)
  Re: how to pause a program? (Garry Knight)
  Re: need serious help here... X hates me! (Scott Morgan)


From: "David .." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Hard Drive Has Shrunk
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 16:03:34 -0500

N/A wrote:
> upon the installation and un-installation of Mandrake Linux 7.0 i lost
> some harddrive space where my hard drive now says 'HP Pavilion Local Disk
> 4.53 GB', the problem is i really have 6.1 GB and it isnt detecting the
> other 1.5GB or so. how can i reclaim the disk space? can Partition Magic
> help?

Did you delete all of the linux partitions?

Confucius say: He who play in root, eventually kill tree.
Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,
Subject: Re: Installing 2nd hard disk
Date: 22 Aug 2000 21:19:08 GMT

In Stewart Honsberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: On 22 Aug 2000 08:58:29 GMT, Peter T. Breuer wrote:
:>: It has everything to do with the state of the disk. Your argument supporting
:>: re-booting after using fdisk was based on having a mounted partition on the
:>: drive.
:>Which has nothing to do with the disk, and everything to do with the
:>person mounting the disk! He's making the partitions precisely in
:>order to mount them in the future. I wasn't going to spend time telling
:>him when in the future he could and could not mount them.

: So instead of telling him the proper way to do things, you give him a band-
: aid solution. If this person does do things the way you suggest and does
: each partition one at a time, he'll be re-booting his system about half a
: dozen times or so!

Errr .... well, maybe. He can also reboot for fun after efter every

: You talk about wasted time and energy telling the guy how to do it properly,
: yet you spend all this time telling everybody about the one extreme case where
: the guy could possibly damage his partition table?


: I've written out complete instructions for somebody to add a 2nd HDD in about
: 30 lines or so. I reference man pages, and the occasional HOWTO for further
: assistance.

Good for you!

: People often complain about Usenet not being a helpful, worthwhile place
: to ask for assistance; and even you complained (removed from this quote)
: about message quoting etiquette!

Messiquette. Yes.

: Usenet can only be a valid source of information if people give helpful,
: worthy, straight-forward information rather than complaining and quoting
: could-be's and what-if's.

: In a word, sir, your response was the furthest thing from helpful; and
: the closest thing to further the Usenet stereotypes of worthless responses
: that lead to arguments and/or flame-fests that deter from the original
: topic at hand.

Very nice, but quite removed from any actual facts. There are lots of
things you might be unaware of. Such as, for example, that I was logged
in over a phone line on an expensive daytime connection from a 486 with
8M ram running X with a stuck N key. Those little things make it
imperative to judge how much you are going to say, and how long to take
to say them. My instructions work fine, were helpful and polite and useful.
What are you going on about?



From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: pipes again??
Date: 22 Aug 2000 21:36:05 GMT

Davis Eric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: My question is as follows. When you run a latex file, you will get
: several files ending with .log .dvi .aux and others. Most often, the dvi
: file is needed and then for outputting to ps file. I am think how to run
: these series of actions through a pipe. The problem is that the output
: of latex has not only dvi file but others. So, if I type in the
: following way such as
: latex filename |dvips -o
: it will surely fail. How I have no clue on this. Although I have written

No. It'll work fine and produce nonsense. The standard output from
latex is nothing of significance excapt maybe the version number, and
that's what you'd be piping into dvips. It isn't dvi code so dvips
will produce nonsense or tell you its input is nonsense.

You want to get latex to produce dvicode on standard output. That
might require considerable rewriting! good luck.



From: Doug O'Leary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 16:51:31 -0700


I've been reading through the docs that came with PAM on my Mandrake 6.0 
system.  I tried to use the module which is supposed to 
prevent anyone not in the wheel group from su'ing to root.  I can't seem 
to get it working and I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong.  Here's what I 

1.      Edited /etc/pam.d/su and added:

auth     sufficient     /lib/security/

2.      Verified that /lib/security/ exists

3.      Ensured my id was in the wheel group and created another one that 

4.      Tried su'ing to root as me.  Worked.  Tried su'ing to root as the 
non-wheelie - worked.

Is there something else that I'm supposed to modify in order to get this 

Any help/hints/tips greatly appreciated.


Douglas K. O'Leary
Senior System Admin


From: David Dorward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: NTFS?
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 22:50:09 +0100

Yura Kovalenko wrote:
>  Hi!
> I tried to mount my ntfs partion using : mount -t ntfs /dev/hdb1 etc..
> gave me error that my kernel doesn't support NTFS.
> Question #1:  Where to get this driver? Is it a must to recompile my
> kernel? Isn't there modules available for ir? I really don't want to
> toch my kernel.
(I've checked, it is there)

> Question #2: NTFS can be only Read in linux. No way to write.   Right or
> wrong?


David Dorward


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: NTFS?
Date: 22 Aug 2000 21:56:14 GMT

David Dorward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Yura Kovalenko wrote:
:> Question #2: NTFS can be only Read in linux. No way to write.   Right or
:> wrong?

: Right

Well, afair, you can rewrite a file contents provided you're careful not to
truncate or extend it. That's harmless.



Subject: Re: [Xpert] LILO
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 18:04:46 -0400

If you lost LILO, then apparently the makers of ME regarded LILO as
providing a feature that is for the "guru" range of people , and since you
got ME  , that means you are not part of the "guru" set . Additionally,
there is another "Extremely Advanced" feature known as "Making a boot Disk"
(MaBD) that the creators of this particular software have deemed "Too
advanced for Anyone" (TAFA) . Hence, their installer will remove any and all
advanced services/systems  from the computer, that much better to protect
yourself from damaging it and your valuable data .  Further more, ME Service
pack 15 ( due out shortly ) will fix another potentially dangerous component
of the information system that we  all use, but causes a lot of problems.
This update will permenently uninstall all the previously installed software
in your "bioware" that untill now has made  "Technical  Support" another way
of saying "The No Clue Department"

Sorry I just couldn't resist.

As for how to fix this,
1) try to get into the installation on the cdrom and tell it to install
nothing. just put in lilo, and reboot . This usually works with redhat.

2) How about using tom's root/boot diskette ? I forget the url ( Ever heard
of Panic Tuesdays ? )

3) If Lilo was installed into a primary partition, try using the FDisk ( Oh!
God! don't tell me they scrapped that too!! ) and set your linux boot
partition active ( OF course it has to be a primary bootable partition.)
FDisk will label it as "NON-DOS" or something like that.

Hope this helps.

Roland Mainz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > David Arthur Barkan wrote:
> > I just installed Windows ME,  so I Iost my LILO, and I donīt have any
> > boot disks... what should I do?
> 1. This isn't a Linux-general mailinglist. This list is for Xfree86
> (X11) only.
> 2. If I remember correctly SuSE has Boot floppy images on their FTP
> server. If not, please ask in a Linux list or newsgroup (see follow-up).
> 3. You can boot with the SuSE CDs if your CDROM is bootable.
> ----
> Bye,
> Roland
> --
>   __ .  . __
>  (o.\ \/ /.o) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   \__\/\/__/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   /O /==\ O\  MPEG specialist, C&&JAVA&&Sun&&Unix programmer
>  (;O/ \/ \O;) TEL +49 641 99-13193 FAX +49 641 99-41359


From: "David .." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re:
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 17:16:35 -0500

Doug O'Leary wrote:
> Hi;
> I've been reading through the docs that came with PAM on my Mandrake 6.0
> system.  I tried to use the module which is supposed to
> prevent anyone not in the wheel group from su'ing to root.  I can't seem
> to get it working and I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong.  Here's what I
> did:
> 1.      Edited /etc/pam.d/su and added:
> auth     sufficient     /lib/security/
> 2.      Verified that /lib/security/ exists
> 3.      Ensured my id was in the wheel group and created another one that
> wasn't.
> 4.      Tried su'ing to root as me.  Worked.  Tried su'ing to root as the
> non-wheelie - worked.
> Is there something else that I'm supposed to modify in order to get this
> working?
> Any help/hints/tips greatly appreciated.

Try this:

 vi /etc/pam.d/su
Add these two lines to the top of the file just under #%PAM-1.0

auth       sufficient   /lib/security/ debug
auth       required     /lib/security/ group=wheel

Then you have to tell it which user to allow with:

 usermod -G10 username

Hope this helps.
Confucius say: He who play in root, eventually kill tree.
Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538


From: "crow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,uk.comp.os.linux,alt.os.linux
Subject: bad sector
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 00:39:43 +0200


does anybody know how I can get around a bad sector?
(it's not necessary that I keep my current data)


Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 17:36:51 -0500
From: paul simdars <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PHP - database driven web development

I am interested in database driven web development.  I have apache up
and running and mySQL is up and running and I installed PHP from my
RH6.1 CD.   I was looking at a tutorial and it listed a little test file
called test.php3 which I was to save in /home/httpd/htdocs.   If I go to
Netscape and go to localhost, the default page comes up.  But if I put
localhost/htdocs/test.php3 or localhost/test.php3, Netscape is unable to
locate the page.
Am I missing a component?  There were so many other files to download
from the RH site related to PHP.  I thought it would be best just to
install from the CD.  I seem to have been wrong.
Thank you for any insight you are able to give in this area.

Things are more like they used to be than they are now.

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=======  Over 80,000 Newsgroups = 16 Different Servers! ======


Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 17:41:19 -0500
From: paul simdars <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PHP installation

I am interested in database driven web development.  I have apache up
and running and mySQL is up and running and I installed PHP from my
RH6.1 CD.   I was looking at a tutorial and it listed a little test file

called test.php3 which I was to save in /home/httpd/htdocs.   If I go to

Netscape and go to localhost, the default page comes up.  But if I put
localhost/htdocs/test.php3 or localhost/test.php3, Netscape is unable to

locate the page.
Am I missing a component?  There were so many other files to download
from the RH site related to PHP.  I thought it would be best just to
install from the CD.  I seem to have been wrong.
Thank you for any insight you are able to give in this area.

Things are more like they used to be than they are now.

====== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News ====== - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
=======  Over 80,000 Newsgroups = 16 Different Servers! ======


From: "Eric J. Rothfus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Where is the Gnome global config file?
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 22:53:10 GMT

I am trying to get the cdplayer applet to start-up looking at my second
CD drive (/dev/hdd).  After looking at the source, I found the following


The value of this field is passed to ("globcfgpath" below is exactly the


And then the following config line is used:

     devpath = gnome_config_get_string("cdplayer/devpath=/dev/cdrom");

So cdplayer_applet is looking at some global configuration file for
the "cdplayer" section and "devpath" setting.  What is the setting of
this "globcfgpath" in the applet structure?  I haven't compiled an
applet before, and haven't taken the time to get everything together
to recompile cdplayer to find out.


Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 19:03:20 -0400
From: Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Open source Driver for Yamaha XG-SD

ALSA supports the yamaha DS-XG chipset. i believe thats the name.
check various sound project websites for hardware compatibility

> hi,
>    i'm searching for a driver for my yamaha XG-SD sound card. i know
> there is a sharware driver available, but is there any open source
> driver available for this sound card? no matter even if it's a beta.
>   thank you.
> Sent via
> Before you buy.


From: "Dave T" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Anyone know of any Linux newsgroups dealing with Squid proxy server?
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 23:26:40 +0100

Anyone know of any Linux newsgroups dealing with Squid proxy server?


| Anti-Spam - Please reply to address below          |
| Email Address : [EMAIL PROTECTED]        |


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: TCP/IP networking problem and DLink NIC
Date: 22 Aug 2000 23:05:34 GMT

On Tue, 22 Aug 2000 13:46:16 -0700, Gabe wrote:
>I've got an ISA PnP D-Link DE-220 NIC, and I've installed RH 5.2 (the only
>version I have available). The setup procedure does not detect my card.
>Using linuxconf I've set the appropriate IP, DNS, Gateway, I've set the
>device to eth0, the kernel module to generic NE2000 and compatibles, but I
>can't get on the Internet (errmsg: host lookup failed). So how do I get my
>network card to work? Works fine with Windoze.

Can you do a ping from the command prompt?  Like:
and get a reponse?  If so, then DNS is configured incorrectly.  If not,
then the problem lies elsewhere.  If you get messages like "network is
unreachable" then there's an error with your network config
somewhere--check and see if the ne module is loaded using "lsmod", and
such.  There are a lot of things that can go wrong with configging a net
device; I don't have time to go over all of them in this post.  Have you
checked /usr/doc/howto ?

>I've searched for documentation, but I can't find what I need.

/usr/doc/howto or ?  If you have nothing but
WinXX access to the net atm, then use it for a good purpose....

>Please help me get on the Internet with Linux, I've got other problems (like
>X won't work with my ATI Rage Fury Pro AGP) but I'm sure I could solve those
>with an OS upgrade, but I need to get online first!!!

The Rage Fury Pro didn't get supported until Xfree86 3.3.6, and getting
that most recent version of X to work with an ancient distro like RH 5.2
will be a bit of a pain.  You'd be better off with a more recent
distro--ask a local Linux guru, he/she will no doubt have a number of
recent distros and will most likely lend or give you a copy!

>P.S. Where can I find a *quick* vi tutorial? and search for "vi tutorial".  I found this one very

Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Those who do not understand Unix are     /   condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
=============================/           ==Henry Spencer


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: PHP - database driven web development
Date: 22 Aug 2000 23:11:13 GMT

On Tue, 22 Aug 2000 17:36:51 -0500, paul simdars wrote:
>I am interested in database driven web development.  I have apache up
>and running and mySQL is up and running and I installed PHP from my
>RH6.1 CD.   I was looking at a tutorial and it listed a little test file
>called test.php3 which I was to save in /home/httpd/htdocs.   If I go to
>Netscape and go to localhost, the default page comes up.  But if I put
>localhost/htdocs/test.php3 or localhost/test.php3, Netscape is unable to
>locate the page.
>Am I missing a component?  There were so many other files to download
>from the RH site related to PHP.  

Check your /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and make sure that the
DocumentRoot of apache is set to what you think it's set to.  It seems
that the default install of 6.2 sets it to /home/httpd/html , not
/home/httpd/htdocs , but I don't have 6.1 sitting around and can't
check.  If you put test.php3 into the DocumentRoot directory and can't
access it with "http://localhost/test.php3" then there's another
problem somewhere....

Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Those who do not understand Unix are     /   condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
=============================/           ==Henry Spencer


Subject: Re: help on uid/gid of /dev/dsp
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 08:44:02 +0930

Arul wrote:
> In article <Pine.LNX.4.21.0008221242140.4169-
>   "Andrew N. McGuire " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Tue, 22 Aug 2000, Arul quoth:
> >
> > ~~ Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 15:42:46 GMT
> > ~~ From: Arul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > ~~ Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc
> > ~~ Subject: help on uid/gid of /dev/dsp
> > ~~
> > ~~ Does anyone know how to setup permissions on sound devices like
> > ~~ /dev/dsp /dev/audio /dev/sequencer
> > ~~
> > ~~ All the permissions of these devices are set to "rw" to
> > ~~ the first user (user) logs in as below...
> > ~~
> > ~~ crw-------   1 user     root      14,   3 Apr 30  1999 dsp
> > ~~ crw-------   1 user     root      14,   1 Apr 30  1999 sequencer
> > ~~
> > ~~ I would like it to be rw for all users so anyone can
> > ~~ use the sound devices... like below
> > ~~
> > ~~ crw-rw-rw-   1 root     root      14,   1 Apr 30  1999 sequencer
> >
> > chmod 666 /dev/dsp /dev/sequencer
> >
> > anm
> >
> >
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~
> > ~ Andrew N.
> McGuire                                                      ~
> > ~
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                              ~
> > ~ "Plan to throw one away; you will, anyhow." - Frederick P. Brooks,
> Jr. ~
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~
> >
> > chmod 666 /dev/dsp /dev/sequencer
> This is what I have been doing after every loggin
> but would like a permanent solution though. It reverts
> back in the next reboot/login.
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

Have a look at /etc/security/console.perms (in Redhat at least)
there are a bunch of lines like 

# permission
<console> 0600 <floppy>    0600
<console> 0666 <sound>     0644
<console> 0600 <cdrom>     0600 root
that set permissions when a user logs in. On my box I just commented
them out.

Cheers, PoD.


From: "D. M. Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: installing RH linux on a Windows98/NT Server machine
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 23:57:31 +0100
Reply-To: "D. M. Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A year or so ago I installed Red Hat Linux 5.2  on a 266 Cyrix PC. It was a
struggle as this was a cheapo PC and I had things like onboard Sis graphics,
moody built in sound
etc  to deal with but I
eventually got it up and running and pottered about with it every now and
then but lost
interest somewhat when I couldn't for the life of me get Samba going
so I could access shared resources on NT boxes on My LAN and vice versa. I
could however, access the net using a win 98 machine on my LAN as a proxy
anyway, I now have a new all singing all dancing machine and would like to
give Linux another go particularly on a distribution that includes a more or
less preconfigured Samba service as I'm not that au fait with linux on the
whole as yet..
The Specification of this machine is as follows:

Athlon 700MHz  Thunderbird.
256Mb of PC100 SDRAM
Gigabyte GA-71XE Motherboard
20.4 Gb Seagate Barracuda
7200 rpm UltraDMA 66 hard disk
 Pioneer DVD-ROM / 40-speed CD-ROM (DVD-115)
Teac Cd-W54E CD-RW
32Mb nVIDIA GeForce 256 SDR Graphics Card (3d Prophet)
17in Mitsubishi Pro Natural Flat Monitor .25mm
Creative Labs SoundBlaster Live! 1024
Creative Labs Four Point Surround Speakers
Diamond Supra V.90 modem

and it hosts Windows 98 Se and NT server 4.0 in a dual boot configuration.
Now what I would like to know is are there any caveats I should watch out
for regarding the components herein?
Is red Hat Linux 6.2 a good choice for hardware compatibility etc or is
there a better distribution?
Will it install OK along with NT server AND 98 and possibly Win2K. I dual
booted 5.2 with Windows 95 without any problems.
Any advice, pointers, warnings, tips, etc. would be most welcome.
Please remove SPAMLESS from my address to reply by email.
and for all the dirty little spam bots out there:


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: need serious help here... X hates me!
Date: 22 Aug 2000 23:22:16 GMT

On Tue, 22 Aug 2000 20:32:54 GMT, Scott Morgan wrote:
>>There have been so many problems with that card that it's just not
>>funny.  Have you tried using Xfree86 3.3.6, since RH 6.1 shipped with
>>3.3.5?  SiS cards are generally so cheap and nasty that I strongly
>>advise people not to buy them.
>i didnt buy it... it came with my box :o)
>i also have a diamond fire gl 1k pro, but neither of my opsys's like
>it... linux hangs while starting X, windows gives me a STOP error :o(

Well, Linux will hang while starting X if it's trying to start X with
the wrong X-server.  Boot to the text-only runlevel (enter "linux 3" at
the LILO: boot prompt) and run Xconfigurator, which should autodetect
the Diamond card and do the Right Thing.  If it doesn't, then it could
be that the card's got a hardware problem.

If you buy a consumer-level PC from a big company like Dell, Compaq, HP,
or Gateway, they will cram it full of cheap, nasty, unreliable
components, and charge you extra for the privilege of buying from them.
Build a box yourself, or find a geek, buy him/her beer and pizza, and
have him/her put together a box for you--then you'll *know* you're
getting good stuff.

>i looked at the howto's but didnt see anything for identical cards on
>different interfaces/architectures ... maybe i just dont pay 'nuff

NE2000 ISA and NE2000 PCI cards are *not* identical; they don't even use
the same driver.  And if you have 2 of the same network card, getting
them set up is still pretty easy.  If you have 2 NE2000 ISA cards set to
I/O 0x300 and 0x340, and IRQs 9 and 10, you'd do:
alias eth0 ne
alias eth1 ne
options ne io=0x300,0x340 irq=9,10

>how about DSL modems?   i just signed up for freedsl and i dont wanna
>be stuck with windoz ... any help?

More info, please.  If the DSL connection terminates in a small,
external router with a standard RJ-45 plug that you can hook an Ethernet
cable into, you'll probably be OK, though you may have to fool around
with the Roaring Penguin PPPoE client if the ISP uses PPPoE.  If it 
terminates in an internal PCI card, you're probably screwed.  Very few
(if any) internal DSL cards are supported in Linux because manufacturers
won't release the specs.

Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Those who do not understand Unix are     /   condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
=============================/           ==Henry Spencer


From: Garry Knight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Not able to add new partitions for Rh6.1 install
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 19:25:07 +0100

On Tue, 22 Aug 2000, mike wrote:
>    I recently added a second drive to a Dell Dimension XPS R400.
>It now has: 1. 10GB IBM Primary Master with Win98
>                   2. 15GB IBM Primary Slave. with 9648Mb FAT32.
>    Drive 2 has 4997Mb unallocated space.
>    I want to use 3000mb for Redhat 6.1. I started the 6.1 cd by setting
>bios to boot on the cd. The Redhat install came up and I chose custom
>installation. I have tried to add partitions using the add button but,
>it keeps rejecting the partitions that I want to add. I tried to add
>a 16mb /boot partition and it said too big. It did allow me to add
>a 256mb <swap> partition, but I can't add other partitions. What ever
>I try to add, it says "partition too big".

Did you run ScanDisk and Defrag on the second drive? If there are Windows files
scattered across the cylinders you want for your partition, it's possible that
Redhat will detect this and limit the size of the partition you can set up.

Garry Knight


From: Garry Knight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: how to pause a program?
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 19:13:41 +0100

On Tue, 22 Aug 2000, Cuneyt Sert wrote:
>how can i pause and than continue a c++ program that's running on a terminal

Ctrl+S to pause, Ctrl+Q to restart.

Garry Knight


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scott Morgan)
Subject: Re: need serious help here... X hates me!
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 23:35:45 GMT

>Well, Linux will hang while starting X if it's trying to start X with
>the wrong X-server.  Boot to the text-only runlevel (enter "linux 3" at
>the LILO: boot prompt) and run Xconfigurator, which should autodetect
>the Diamond card and do the Right Thing.  If it doesn't, then it could
>be that the card's got a hardware problem.
>If you buy a consumer-level PC from a big company like Dell, Compaq, HP,
>or Gateway, they will cram it full of cheap, nasty, unreliable
>components, and charge you extra for the privilege of buying from them.
>Build a box yourself, or find a geek, buy him/her beer and pizza, and
>have him/her put together a box for you--then you'll *know* you're
>getting good stuff.
ive built my own PC before, as well as worked on other peoples PC
im just short of linux knowledge :o(

>NE2000 ISA and NE2000 PCI cards are *not* identical; they don't even use
>the same driver.  And if you have 2 of the same network card, getting
>them set up is still pretty easy.  If you have 2 NE2000 ISA cards set to
>I/O 0x300 and 0x340, and IRQs 9 and 10, you'd do:
>alias eth0 ne
>alias eth1 ne
>options ne io=0x300,0x340 irq=9,10
when i did an insmod ne2k io=0x2c0 irq=5 
i got a "device busy"   hmm...
so anyway, i know i must sound really dumb, sorry...

its an internal DSL modem, but i think i'll be stickin to win2k for
that... i'll pick up linux on down the road maybe and tinker around
with it when someone elses productivity isnt resting on my shoulders

thanks for your help, btw!



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