Linux-Misc Digest #540, Volume #25               Wed, 23 Aug 00 22:13:02 EDT

  Re: Linux vs. Windows 9x/NT (Roger Blake)
  Installing Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: FTP message Question ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Permission Denied upon redirection ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: IP address of NIC eth0 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Heretic2 on Linux. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: HELP:How to enable perl-cgi scripts on my server ? (Patrick M Geahan)
  Re: Parallel printer not recognized. ("Peter Cheung")
  Re: Parallel printer not recognized. ("Peter Cheung")
  Re: Convert running Partition to RAID-1 ??? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Is Mandrake Really Red Hat... (Christopher Browne)
  Re: linux & windows can use same swap file? (Christopher Browne)
  Re: crypt command (Christopher Browne)
  Re: Linux vs. Windows 9x/NT (Grant Edwards)
  Re: Linux 6.2 professional at a reasonable price. (Christopher Browne)
  Re: Which kernel for Athlon? (Christopher Browne)
  Re: Gimme My Hard Drive Back. (alex)
  Re: Linux vs. Windows 9x/NT (Paul Lew)
  Re: Programming /dev/ttyS* in Unix (Grant Edwards)
  Re: Convert running Partition to RAID-1 ??? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Permission Denied upon redirection ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Please sign the "Grand Prix Legends" petition! (Ript)
  Re: Please sign the "Grand Prix Legends" petition! (Ript)
  Re: FYI: Applix vs. StarOffice vs. WP8 for Linux.... (Grant Edwards)
  Re: Aww, man!  !  ! ! !!!!!!! (Scott Morgan)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Roger Blake)
Subject: Re: Linux vs. Windows 9x/NT
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 01:13:02 GMT

On Wed, 23 Aug 2000 22:28:24 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>The question I'd like to pose to the newsgroup would be what makes
>Windows so unreliable and prone to crashing?

Awful, isn't it? I was using operating systems 25 years ago that
were more stable and better performers than Windows. It's not like
Microsoft was blazing a new trail and had no prior art to draw upon.

One of the major problems with Windows is that the OS is not insulated well
from applications. This is one of the cardinal rules of OS design, a user
application should not be able to corrupt the operating system.  Notice how
on Linux systems, all you usually have to do to install an application is
plop the files into a convenient directory and execute.  However, on a
Windows system when apps are installed they almost always modify the OS
by replacing critical system DLLs, making entries in the registry, etc.
Very ugly stuff that makes installing software on Windows systems risky
business at best.

  Roger Blake
  (remove second "g" and second "m" from address for email)


Subject: Installing Linux
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 01:14:22 GMT

I am attempting to install Linux on my Compaq computer and it loads OK
but when I reboot it only gets to LI when it boots. I remember seeing,
only once, an error that I would have to do someting to the Compaq
before I could use UNIX but unfortunately I did not take note of the
error as I figured it would come up again but it didn't. I am wondering
if anyone knows what I need to do to the compaq to get it to run Linux
I have tried searching the Compaq site but all the information seems to
apply to Alpha computers and not Intel.

I have an older compaq presario model 4122

Any help in this regard would be appreciated.


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Before you buy.


Subject: Re: FTP message Question
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 01:19:53 GMT

In article <Fjvo5.87665$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Default User" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for the info - what I'd really like it to say is "Anonymous FTP
> access is not allowed" or something of that sort. I have disabled
> access, however if you still attempt a login with username "ftp," it
> say Guest login ok... etc and then of course no matter what you put,
> denies access.
> As far as functionality, everything is ok. I just don't like what the
> message say - I would rather it be clear and say access not allowed.
> Again thanks for the info.
> Ryan

This is definately handled in your /etc/ftpaccess file.  I'm currently
setting a FTP server up at work and have been going through this
yesterday and today.  If it's saying "Guest login OK" or whatever, that
means that you have a 'guestgroup' defined, or you have anonymous access
turned on (which it is by default).

You'll see something like

  230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.

when you log in anonymously.  If you don't want anonymous connections,

  class   local   real,guest,anonymous *.domain
  class   remote  real,guest,anonymous *


  class local   real,guest      *.domain #change accordingly
  class local   real,guest      *

Then, you'll see something like this

  331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
  530 Login incorrect.
  Login failed.

If you don't want FTP at all, take it out of your /etc/inetd.conf file.

Check out for further information if you still
want to configure FTP to do what you want it to do.


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Before you buy.


Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Permission Denied upon redirection
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 01:16:57 GMT

The following command exactly typifies the results
which are obtained when the oracle dbstart code:
case $VERSION in
         8.1) sqlplus /nolog <<EOF
connect internal

When I run the code fragment as root, it works
without a hitch but when I run it as the user, it fails
with the "Permission Denied" error.  This started
happening just recently.

[root@pubfs /root]# echo <<EOF
> "hello
> world
> from
> rob"

[root@pubfs /root]#

[track_oracle@pubfs track_oracle]$ echo <<EOF
> world
> from
> rob"
bash: 134971832: Permission denied
[track_oracle@pubfs track_oracle]$

Any thoughts?

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Before you buy.


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: IP address of NIC eth0
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 01:23:14 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> On Mon, 21 Aug 2000 12:27:16 -0700, Darren Welson wrote:
> >At bootup, I get an error 'cannot determine IP addressing information
> >device eth0'.
> >what does this mean?  All I know is that I must manually start eth0,
> >though all of my configurations tell it to start at bootup.  Also, my
> >addressing should be correct because as of now, the PC is not
connected to
> >any others.
> Most distros have a set of startup scripts in /sbin/init.d/ (That's
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/ for RedHat users) that look elsewhere
> or /etc/sysconfig/ ) for information about the IP address(es) of
> network devices.  If you had said which distro you're using, I'm sure
> someone could provide more help, but as it is, I'm shooting in the
> Probably one of the files that contains the info the boot script is
> looking for is missing or corrupt--fix it.
> --
> Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us
to see
> Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Those who do not understand Unix are
>     /   condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
> -----------------------------/           --Henry Spencer

Yeah, w/out knowing which distribution you're using, it's kind of hard
to help out.

In Slackware, you'll see errors, but nothing that looks like that.

If you don't have a NIC, comment that part of the startup scripts out.
If you do, configure it properly and those errors should go away.


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Before you buy.


Subject: Heretic2 on Linux.
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 00:43:34 -0400


Ihave the original Window$ Heretic2 CD and the Linux Heretic2 Demo.
Is there any way to make the Linux Demo work as the complete Heretic2
version, adding the data files from the Win version ?? The demo runs
pretty well under Linux, 3D acelerated :)

Thank you very much for any hint.

Please answer to [EMAIL PROTECTED]



From: Patrick M Geahan<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HELP:How to enable perl-cgi scripts on my server ?
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 01:30:47 GMT

Pierre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My server is Redhat 6.1.
> I put a perl-cgi script in /home/httpd/cgi-bin and it can not work. I don't know why.
> The following is browser's output:

> Internal Server Error
> The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to 
>complete your request.
> Please contact the server administrator, [EMAIL PROTECTED] and inform them 
>of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused 
>the error.

Whenever I see this error, I first check to make sure that the perl script
is proper.  At a prompt, type "perl scriptname".  If you see a bunch of
HTML as output, it's probably working right.  If you get errors, you'll
need to fix them.


=======Patrick M [EMAIL PROTECTED]=======ICQ:3784715======
Quote of the Week: "I can't believe I barfed in Harrison Ford's
helicopter" - hiker rescued by actor Harrison Ford in Wyoming.


From: "Peter Cheung" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Parallel printer not recognized.
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 19:35:04 -0700


Peter Cheung

"David .." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.75 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.16 i686)
> X-Accept-Language: en
> Peter Cheung wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > RH Linux 6.1
> > P133
> > 64MB Ram
> > Epson 740
> > 2 NIC cards eth0 (int 11) and eth1 (int 10)
> >
> > tried to add a new printer using printtool
> > but after clicking on 'Add', printtool comes back
> > and tells me that it cannot find a printer
> > in /dev/lp0, lp1 nor lp2. The printer is connected
> > and turned on. The printer cable is fine. I have two
> > sets of cables which worked with a PII system running
> > WinNT 4.0.
> >
> > CMOS setting printer is set at SSP, and
> > Interrupt 7: tried ISA and PCI PnP as well as
> > Legacy ISA but still no go.
> >
> > Any ideas?
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> Add this line to /etc/conf.modules and then try it again.
> alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
> --
> Confucius say: He who play in root, eventually kill tree.
> Registered with the Linux Counter.
> ID # 123538


From: "Peter Cheung" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Parallel printer not recognized.
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 19:35:21 -0700


Peter Cheung

"Prasanth A. Kumar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> "Peter Cheung" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > RH Linux 6.1
> > P133
> > 64MB Ram
> > Epson 740
> > 2 NIC cards eth0 (int 11) and eth1 (int 10)
> >
> > tried to add a new printer using printtool
> > but after clicking on 'Add', printtool comes back
> > and tells me that it cannot find a printer
> > in /dev/lp0, lp1 nor lp2. The printer is connected
> > and turned on. The printer cable is fine. I have two
> > sets of cables which worked with a PII system running
> > WinNT 4.0.
> >
> > CMOS setting printer is set at SSP, and
> > Interrupt 7: tried ISA and PCI PnP as well as
> > Legacy ISA but still no go.
> >
> > Any ideas?
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> Verify you have the following line in /etc/conf.modules:
> alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
> --
> Prasanth Kumar


Subject: Re: Convert running Partition to RAID-1 ???
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 01:29:21 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Alfred Schott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What is the best way to add RAID-1 functionality to a running System.
> What I have is a 8GB Drive with root, /boot and swap Partition.
> I have a second 8GB Drive which I want to use with the existing for
> RAID-1.
> Any Ideas?

I was looking into doing the same thing, but after reading through some
of the documentation, I found the only way you can do this is to wipe
out your existing data.  It makes sense, though.  RAID-1 needs to build
parity information across both disks, right?  I'm not sure you'll get
around that...  You'll probably want to check out the root-raid howto.
I'm sure they have steps you'd need to take to get that type of config

Check out and search for the RAID howto's.


Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Browne)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Is Mandrake Really Red Hat...
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 01:43:54 GMT

Centuries ago, Nostradamus foresaw a time when Johan Kullstam would say:
>moonie;) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> If this argument is correct then why did GCC go to the PGCC code for
>> the latest release of the GCC?  If your argument is correct then ALL
>> of Linux just took a big leap backwards.
>the scheduling tuning is different between i586 and i686.  using the
>same generating engine but with different cost functions can generate
>different encodings.

Note that while that schedule tuning may not provide _optimal_ results
on other than the specific chip the tuning was done for, if there are
enough similarities between the cost functions that the tuning might
still improve performance across _all_ CPUs, at least compared to
"untuned" code.

(concatenate 'string "cbbrowne" "@" "")
"I can't believe my room doesn't have Ethernet!  Why wasn't it wired
when the house was built?"
"The house was built in 1576." 
-- Alex Kamilewicz on the Oxford breed of `conference American.'


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Browne)
Subject: Re: linux & windows can use same swap file?
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 01:44:00 GMT

Centuries ago, Nostradamus foresaw a time when Dan Jacobson would say:
>I had this brilliant idea that Linux and windows could use the same swap
>area on disk thus saving the user from e.g., redundantly having two 128K
>areas on disk when only one operating system could be running [but what
>about emulations?] anyway.  Naturally I'm just throwing this out for you
>pros to debate.   [Nothing simpleminded me is planning on doing myself
>etc., so no need to e-mail me the details, I wouldn't understand it
>anyway.]   It seems however that the savings is so small that one
>shouldn't bother anyway.  Hmmm, I read
>> Linux reserves the type code 0x82 for swap partitions
>therefore one would have to add a level of indirection to have it find a
>different OS's swap area...
>which would probably have problems getting lost on the next upgrade etc.
>making the whole exercise useless... ok never mind.

I suggest you avail yourself of the _Linux Swap Space Mini-HOWTO_,
which "describes how to share your Linux swap partition with Windows."

(concatenate 'string "aa454" "@" "")
As of next Monday, TRIX will be flushed in favor of VISI-CALC.
Please update your programs.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Browne)
Subject: Re: crypt command
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 01:44:00 GMT

Centuries ago, Nostradamus foresaw a time when jose luis fernandez
diaz would say:
>I have RH6.2 but it don't have the crypt command.
>Where can I get the crypt command for Linux ?

(concatenate 'string "cbbrowne" "@" "")
"I think we might have been better off with a slide rule."
-- Zaphod Beeblebrox


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Grant Edwards)
Subject: Re: Linux vs. Windows 9x/NT
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 01:45:12 GMT

In article <8o1j5h$lp0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>The question I'd like to pose to the newsgroup would be what makes Windows
>so unreliable and prone to crashing?
>Is it the closed source nature of the kernel? Or is it just down to
>incompetent programmers at Microsoft?

Microsoft is a publicly held, for-profit corporation.  It's goal is to make
profits.  The people who run MS have a legally enforcible fiduciary
responsibility to maximize value for the stockholders.  If the easiest way
to make profits is by shipping a buggy OS and selling upgrades full of yet
more bugs, then that's what they do.  Not to do so would be a breach for
which they could be held civilly liable.  One would hope that they could
make just as much money selling a stable, well-written OS, but it's hard to
argue with success.

Microsoft is a brilliantly successful company when measured by Wall Street
standards -- it doesn't matter how shitty their products are.  The products
are not the goal.  The products are the means to an end: profits.

The people who write Linux are allowed to care whether it works or not. The
os _is_ the end, not the means.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  My LESLIE GORE record
                                  at               is BROKEN...


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Browne)
Subject: Re: Linux 6.2 professional at a reasonable price.
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 01:45:04 GMT

Centuries ago, Nostradamus foresaw a time when Johan Kullstam would say:
>"Mel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> "Peter H.M. Brooks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> news:8nvrt4$ifu$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>> > I would like to get a copy of Redhat Linux 6.2 professional and see that
>> > Redhat is selling it at $179.95 - quite a lot for something that is free,
>> > but still it is convenient and they are providing support.
>> Did you notice that that version is marked:
>> Not for export to, or sale to a national of, any country other than the U.S.
>> and Canada, pursuant to U.S. law.
>well, if you're outside the US, why would you care about US law?
>nevermind who smuggled it out, once it reaches, e.g., somalia, it's
>fair game!

The "NOT FOR EXPORT" labelling has been known to indicate that:

a) The product includes cryptographic software that the NSA doesn't
   want to go out of North America.

   Could be true, but with the lifting of some sanctions there, I
   would expect this not to be a critical issue.

b) The product includes third party software that the third party
   vendor is not permitted to sell to (say) Europe or Asia.  

   This is fairly plausible.

c) The product is only _supported_ in North America.

   I'm SURE that this is a major reason for such labelling; while
   there may be foreign divisions of RHAT, they need to be profit
   centres in their own right, and if the software is only "officially
   supported" in the country in which it is labelled for sale, that
   supports that need.

I suppose that "Scenario a)" is the most likely cause for the label;
from an economic standpoint, c) is likely to be the most _effective_
effect of such labelling.
(concatenate 'string "cbbrowne" "@" "")
"How should I know if it  works?  That's what beta testers are for.  I
only  coded  it."   (Attributed  to  Linus Torvalds,  somewhere  in  a


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Browne)
Subject: Re: Which kernel for Athlon?
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 01:45:04 GMT

Centuries ago, Nostradamus foresaw a time when [EMAIL PROTECTED]
would say: 
>I assume that I would just use the standard kernel for my new athlon,
>but it says that it's pentium optimized.  Which one should be
>installed?  Thanks for your input.

That should work; the Athlon pretends to be a Pentium.
(concatenate 'string "cbbrowne" "@" "")
"Another result of the tyranny of Pascal is that beginners don't use
function pointers."  --Rob Pike


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (alex)
Subject: Re: Gimme My Hard Drive Back.
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 01:45:42 GMT

On Wed, 23 Aug 2000 19:29:26 GMT, N/A <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>how do i reclaim hard drive space back on an HP Pavilion. i had to delete 
>all my partitions made with Mandrake Linux 7.0 because of some problems 
>and now my computer only detects 2/3 of my hard drive. i do not presently 
>have linux on my computer. how can i have my computer detect all my GB's? 
>bonus question: if you can tell me how without my having to delete all of 
>my hard drive you get *10 extra bonus points*>
>thanks for your help.

Do a low level format.  That'll kill all the partitioning info(never
liked extra credit :-)

For something less drastic, you will need to create new windows
partitions.  If you have deleted the linux ones, all you have to do is
run fdisk in dos and create a new partition on the empty space.
Unfortionatly, it will be seen as a separate drive, so if that bothers
you, you will need to use partition magic to resize your current
windows partition.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Lew)
Subject: Re: Linux vs. Windows 9x/NT
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 01:46:13 GMT

On Thu, 24 Aug 2000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>So what can be done to make Linux more attractive to the average end
>user?  In my experience the PC using bloke in the street is not readily
>impressed by the technically impressive features of linux, as they are
>not impressed much by the technical feats acheived by MS.  Is it true
>to say that buyers are led to such an extent that windows is used on
>nearly 90% of the worlds computers (MS claim, btw) purely by
>advertising? (I guess lucritive OEM deals play some part too).
>I suspect that the games market has to play the biggest part in getting
>people to choose an OS - 'made for win95', etc...which leads to another
>question - why are games developers reluctant to port games, which are
>largly written in C to the linux platform?
>As you can see, I have more questions that answers and I guess that the
>debate is one that is repeated across the electronic consumables range
>(betamax vs vhs, iMac vs IBM PC, PSX vs N64...etc,etc), and that the
>answer lies somewhere in the direction of people simply not being made
>aware of the existance of linux.  Naturally, there are those that just
>don't care, and are happy to use whatever they're given to work with.
>Time for my bedtime anyways, sweet dreams everyone.
>Chris Crook

Microsoft did an excellent job of getting the "average bloke" to believe
that if something went wrong, it is the bloke's fault.  Or the problem is
their hardware/software and not a microsoft bug; actually, m$ is still
doing that with their Qxxxxx in the knowledge base.

With linux, it is the whole picture in trying to find where the problem
is which makes the linux part of the problem as perceived.  Now, if linux
will do a better shill job like microsoft, then the general public will
accept linux.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Grant Edwards)
Subject: Re: Programming /dev/ttyS* in Unix
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 01:48:37 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jean-David Beyer-valinux wrote:

>> Do you can to say to me, how in Unix (Linux) can to program COM ports
>> (/dev/ttyS*).
>You could use
>   * file_des = open(const char* path, int oflag, ...
>   * return = close(int file_des)
>   * offset = lseek(int file_des, off_t offset, int whence)

I'm curious: what exactly do you expect lseek() to do on a serial port?

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  I'm having a MID-WEEK
                                  at               CRISIS!


Subject: Re: Convert running Partition to RAID-1 ???
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 01:42:24 GMT

One would expect that the raid-1 volume creation process would
accept a Primary disk/slice parameter and build the mirrored
drive space(s) using the data on the Primary disk/slice.

Though were not talking about something like Veritas right? ;-)

In article <8o1tp0$1p7$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   Alfred Schott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > What is the best way to add RAID-1 functionality to a running
> > What I have is a 8GB Drive with root, /boot and swap Partition.
> > I have a second 8GB Drive which I want to use with the existing for
> > RAID-1.
> >
> > Any Ideas?
> I was looking into doing the same thing, but after reading through
> of the documentation, I found the only way you can do this is to wipe
> out your existing data.  It makes sense, though.  RAID-1 needs to
> parity information across both disks, right?  I'm not sure you'll get
> around that...  You'll probably want to check out the root-raid howto.
> I'm sure they have steps you'd need to take to get that type of config
> working.
> Check out and search for the RAID howto's.
> -rd
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

Sent via
Before you buy.


Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Permission Denied upon redirection
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 01:38:04 GMT

NEVER MIND..... :-)

I replaced the /tmp volume and forgot to set the
permissions.  When the shell processes the command
strings, it creates a temp file in /tmp.  The perms
on the new volume where 755 so I couldn't create
the temp file as <USER>...

In article <8o1t1s$130$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> The following command exactly typifies the results
> which are obtained when the oracle dbstart code:
> case $VERSION in
>          8.1) sqlplus /nolog <<EOF
> connect internal
> startup
> When I run the code fragment as root, it works
> without a hitch but when I run it as the user, it fails
> with the "Permission Denied" error.  This started
> happening just recently.
> [root@pubfs /root]# echo <<EOF
> > "hello
> > world
> > from
> > rob"
> > EOF
> [root@pubfs /root]#
> [track_oracle@pubfs track_oracle]$ echo <<EOF
> > world
> > from
> > rob"
> > EOF
> bash: 134971832: Permission denied
> [track_oracle@pubfs track_oracle]$
> Any thoughts?
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

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Before you buy.


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake,
Subject: Re: Please sign the "Grand Prix Legends" petition!
Date: 24 Aug 2000 01:18:49 GMT

>I would watch yourself, they are very devoted...some of them are nuts! 
>One wrong word about that 'L' OS and they could arrive at your door with
>big sticks :)
>Tread Carefully......I am scared even typing this ;)

Not all Linux users take it so personal!
I am running win2k/win98/linux tripple boot...


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake,
Subject: Re: Please sign the "Grand Prix Legends" petition!
Date: 24 Aug 2000 01:17:50 GMT

>No...he's one of a band of people who believe that Linux will one day
>become the pre-eminent operating system.
>They are a little like Mac owners: very, very devoted to their cause.

I like linux, but I dont believe it...
Linux is an alternative to microshaft software...


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Grant Edwards)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: FYI: Applix vs. StarOffice vs. WP8 for Linux....
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 01:51:24 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Josh Rovero wrote:

>> I bought WP8 for Linux (Corel's) at a local Sam's club. I bought Sun's
>> CD-ROM disk for $10 with StarOffice 5.1 on it (it has versions of SO for
>> Win98 [and I have one copy installed as a Win98 ap], Linux, Solaris, and
>> OS/2, by the way), and just this weekend, I decided to spring for Applix
>> 5.0 (an office suite for Linux) at Best Buy (must have been on sale, the
>> cash register rang it up for $62) to see how well it ran.
>I spent a fair amount of time comparing Applix and Star Office.
>Applix works better IN MY CASE.  Can run it remotely from
>other X displays, handles the interchange with MxxxxSxxx
>formats I need, can spawn as many copies of Word or
>Spreadsheet as I need, all in separate windows.  It does
>not take over the desktop like Star Office.  

My observations exactly.  SO is way too big and slow compared to either WP
or Applix.  And the way it thinks it needs to take over and show that damned
desktop is really annoying.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Now I can join WEIGHT
                                  at               WATCHERS!


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scott Morgan)
Subject: Re: Aww, man!  !  ! ! !!!!!!!
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 02:04:24 GMT

SiS 6326 AGP 
which is not supported, but compatible... shizzat :o(



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