Linux-Misc Digest #624, Volume #25               Wed, 30 Aug 00 15:13:01 EDT

  Re: Linux spontaneously changes time (Christopher Wong)
  Re: CAUTION: I am under attack from an incompetent hacker probably in  germany 
(Person 7)
  dump win98 partition ("Volker Kalms")
  Re: No kppp in Mandrake7.1?? (John Hasler)
  Re: Ghostscript Make errors; jpeglib.h (Wolfgang Fritz)
  Re: [Q] How to compile kernel in Debian / Storm (Eric Y. Chang)
  Re: crypt command (Michel Bardiaux)
  Re: hard drive partition table messed up! (John)
  Re: Lightweight X (Kevin Croxen)
  Re: cracker's file (Andreas Kahari)
  Re: Email from Shell/Telnet prompt? (kristian ragndahl)
  Installing Mandrake on top of Caldera ? (Martin Racette)
  Re: Email from Shell/Telnet prompt? (Vilmos Soti)
  How to recover damaged tar file (Y. Tremblay)
  File colours (Dux)
  Re: Modem connections - how to automatically check if disconnected? ("David ..")
  Re: Email from Shell/Telnet prompt? (Andreas Kahari)
  Re: File colours (Andreas Kahari)
  Re: named,httpd,sshd Aren't Started During Boot (Bill Unruh)
  Re: File colours (Vilmos Soti)
  Re: Installing Mandrake on top of Caldera ? (StyX)
  can't reboot, init high CPU ("Jeremy C. Reed")
  Re: Newbie, Help, CLI Commands, ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: System hangup using Netscape ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Linux question: sound devices and multiple sound files ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Distro change: To debian or SuSE ?? (Kyle Parfrey)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Wong)
Subject: Re: Linux spontaneously changes time
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 17:09:02 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, M. Buchenrieder wrote:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Wong) writes:
>>One of my Red Hat 6.2 systems is spontaneously changing its system
>>clock. I'm quite puzzled at this, since it is hardly running anything,
>>not even crond. The only major app running is Sun's Java runtime
>>(1.2.2). Here are some clues:
>>1. Always changes by -4hrs. My local time zone is EST5EDT. So it looks
>>   timezone-related. 
>It is. Your HW clock is most likely set to localtime - which is
>not the default setting assumed by UN*X. Set it to GMT, then the
>switch will not happen anymore.

Thanks. Setting my HW clock to GMT seems to fix the problem. Still,
Red Hat explicitly allows me to leave the HW clock at
localtime. Obviously, this is supposed to be a viable option, but it
is not working right. Setting my HW clock to GMT is a kludge that I am
able to make in this case, since I do not have to coexist with That
Other Operating System. But it does not directly address the
underlying problem that screwed up my system clock, and I am no closer
to identifying the cause.

Thanks to all who have responded.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Person 7)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.admin
Subject: Re: CAUTION: I am under attack from an incompetent hacker probably in  germany
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 15:18:46 GMT

On Mon, 5 Jun 2000 07:36:00 -0230, in comp.os.linux.admin,
 ("FellowTraveller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) wrote:

>am using one of the NT PC's here to post this, as I find Outlook Express
>best for news reading...  and I do find that Netscape has not been as good

Outlook express is crap at newsreading.
You want free-agent


From: "Volker Kalms" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: dump win98 partition
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2000 15:17:53 +0200

Hi all,

since I have linux 6.2 and also win98 on my PC I would like to use linux
to do a full backup of the win98  partition.
How is it possible to do this and how can I restore the backup after
win98 is totaly messed up and the computer cries for a new installation ???

Since I am not working with linux for a long time it would be greate if
could give me a hint !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Many thanks in advance.



From: John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: No kppp in Mandrake7.1??
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 15:31:10 GMT

Andrew Purugganan writes:
> Can anybody help me out, did I miss something?

Yes.  You selected 'server'.  Why would you expect that to include
workstation stuff?  I'm surprised that they included X at all.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin


From: Wolfgang Fritz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Ghostscript Make errors; jpeglib.h
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 19:14:03 +0200

Roger Jagoda wrote:
> The hardware:
> PentIII
> 128MB RAM
> 10G Hard drive
> The software:
> Mandrake 7.1 (new clean install)
> GhostScript 6.01 (fresh download from
> The problem:
> We continually get error messages about the additional libraries
> not being defined properly in the makefile. Here's the lines from the last Make
> capture:
> ./obj/echogs -e .dev -a-  ./obj/psf0read -oper zcfont zfcmap zfont0
> ./obj/echogs -e .dev -w- -l-obj ./obj/compfont -include ./obj/psf0lib
> ./obj/psf0
> read
> make: *** No rule to make target `jpeg/jpeglib.h', needed by `obj/jpeglib0.h'.
> Stop.

Are the library sources included in your gs source distribution from I got gs6.01 from the aladdin site and had to download
the libs separately. For the jpeg lib there should be a subdir jpeg
parallel to the src subdir.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eric Y. Chang)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: [Q] How to compile kernel in Debian / Storm
Date: 30 Aug 2000 17:19:00 GMT

Jerome Mrozak ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: "make config", but with no success (most advice said to look in
: /usr/src/linux, which didn't exist in my Stormix "install everything"
: installation).

For Debian, it is not in there.  It is in /usr/src/kernel*.  I am
currently writing a HOW-TO, and there is a section on kernel building.



From: Michel Bardiaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: crypt command
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 17:23:42 GMT

jose luis fernandez diaz wrote:
> Hi,
> I have RH6.2 but it don't have the crypt command.
> Where can I get the crypt command for Linux ?
> Thanks in advance,
> Jose Luis.

CRYPT1.ZIP - UNIX crypt(1) command: a one-rotor machine designed along
the lines of Enigma, but considerably trivialized. 

If not found at these links, go to and make
a search for bin-crypt

Michel Bardiaux
Peaktime Belgium S.A.  Rue Margot, 37  B-1457 Nil St Vincent
Tel : +32 10 65.44.15  Fax : +32 10 65.44.10


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: hard drive partition table messed up!
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 17:24:13 GMT

What version of NT, and what service pack? I experienced the
same problem w/ NT: install huge HD, NT only saw 2 GB of it until I
installed SP 4.

BTW, I installed another HD in the machine yesterday; getting
ready to do a Linux/NT dual boot. Should be fun.

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hello all,  I was trying to format my 8GB Maxtor drive the other
> > with Windows NT 4.0 so that I can free up some space for
linux.  The
> > whole drive had NT before, so I used the NT 4.0 boot disk to
boot up and
> > delete the old partition and then create a new smaller one,
3GB.  The
> > setup then proceed to format the smaller partition for NTFS.
Half way
> > through the power to the PC was accidentally disconnected.
So then I
> > redo the process, but now the NT setup thinks that the whole
drive is
> > only 3GB, Darn!!!

[massive snip]
John Alexander
Faculty Resource Center
The University of Alabama

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kevin Croxen)
Subject: Re: Lightweight X
Date: 30 Aug 2000 17:28:52 GMT

I tend to use fvwm2 for a fast and straightforward x-window manager. New
apps, etc., are added to it by editing the .fvwm2rc file in your home
directory. Good for conserving resources on a laptop.

Among WYSIWYG word processors there is also Applix Words, the WP component
of the Applix office suite that is sold separately. In the
freeware/shareware category is Abi word. If you use WordPerfect, you might
prefer version 8, which is Linux native, as opposed to the Corel Office
2000 version, which relies on Wine to run a windows executable.

In the non-X world, there are no Word Processors in the DOS/Windows sense.
One edits plain text files the manly way using whatever text editor one
prefers, vi, or emacs or what have you, then uses markup software to
prepare the text file for printing, publishing, etc.



In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, The Darkener wrote:
>I use BlackBox.  It's entire design is based around being light and fast.
>No eye-candy, but you can customize it to do anything you want (I have mine
>tricked out pretty well).  Extremely light in resources.  Works perfect for
> = Blackbox Homepage
> = Blackbox theme site (you probably don't want this
>but it's fun to look at anyway)
>As far as word processors, ya got me. =)  If you don't like StarOffice I'd
>try Corel.  Can't really think of any others offhand.
>Good luck!
>Patrik Linell wrote:
>> I've recently (finally) started my transition from Windows to Linux and
>> am currently running Red Hat 6.1. As I only rarely use X (I have only a
>> few applications that require it, and am not planning to get anymore) I
>> was wondering which version of X is the lightest and most feature-free.
>> I just want it to start, quit and operate as quickly as possible. It
>> doesn't need to look good either, as long as it functions.
>> As a side note, I'm also looking for a good word processor for Linux. I
>> tried StarOffice but I find it too heavy and pretentious. In my opinion
>> it tries doing and being a lot more than it should, or at least a lot
>> more than I need it to. I'm going to try Corel WordPerfect, any other
>> alternatives?
>> Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
>> Patrik Linell
>> Sent via
>> Before you buy.
>- The Darkener
>"I'm Doug, I have greasy hair and no muscles.  You're Principal
> Wheeler, you have a mustache and you smell like coffee." -The State


Subject: Re: cracker's file
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andreas Kahari)
Date: 30 Aug 2000 19:46:58 +0100

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, The Darkener  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Andreas Kahari wrote:
>> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>> Thomas Corriher <[EMAIL PROTECTED], abuse@[],
>support@[]> wrote:
>> >    (warning: sarcasm around the next curve)
>> [cut]
>> > (sarcasm over)
>> >
>> >Hey genius... Did you notice that you are posting in
>> >an OPEN SOURCE group?
>> >
>> >  fsck'ing idiot
>> >
>> Yes, I noticed. What's your point?
>Don't be so close-minded about other people's questions.  The original
>post was NOT an attempt to
>spread closed-source DoS attack code.  He wanted to know what he should
>do because someone
>comprimized his box.

He wanted to know how the packet storm program worked, not how to
protect his system. For both answers, he should have read the Linux
Administrator's Security Guide at
<URL:> or the Linux Security HOWTO at
<URL:>, especially
section 8.7.

>> Did you notice the little GNU sticker on the DoS attack code?
>> Neither did I. So it's not about open source...
>Open source NEWSGROUP.


No, it's a news group where people discuss the Linux operating system
and applications running on this system. Those applications may or may
not be open source.


>> Code posted to Usenet forums (or accessed in other manners using the
>> internet) are not open source nor public domain unless that is clearly
>> stated. Did you know that? Did you know that comp.os.linux.misc is no
>> warez forum?
>> Judging from the posts in this forum I find it hard to believe that
>> many people have ever read the ping(8) manual page. And judging from
>> your post, I find it hard to believe that you read enough of the
>> source of the packet storm program in the original post to see the
>> differences between it and and the ping command.
>And an over-inflated ego, at that!


>> System administrators, which I consider anyone that says "my server"
>> to be, should know better.
>Let's all conform to your standards.  Everyone now, all at once.... Ahh.
>That feels better.


>> Calling me an idiot was just plain stupid.
>But not completely untrue.

That might be true too. I have not yet called anyone by names, but I
have been known to do some pretty stupid things and this might have
been one of them.


Andreas Kähäri, <URL:>.
All junk e-mail will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
The important thing is not to stop questioning.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (kristian ragndahl)
Subject: Re: Email from Shell/Telnet prompt?
Date: 30 Aug 2000 16:55:51 GMT

On 30 Aug 2000 12:50:41 +0100, Andreas Kahari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: In article <8oioi6$6kl$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
: NoSpam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: >Is it possible to specify FROM/TO and SUBJECT?
: >
: >The script is run automatically via cron but it does not confirm the
: >successfully running of the script which I would like it to do.  As the
: >server is shared via an ISP I can not change any settings on the machine
: >itself. 
: Read the manual for the 'mailx' command.

I believe it's 'mail' in Linux.

mail -s Subject email@address < body.txt

kristian ragndahl,


From: Martin Racette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Installing Mandrake on top of Caldera ?
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,alt.os.linux.mandrake,comp.os.linux.setup
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 17:51:40 GMT

Hi guys,

I would like to know if it is possible to install Mandrake 7.1 without=20
erasing Caldera, I mean replacing the OS but not losing all the=20
information was already written to disk

I don't have any possiblity to move my /home directory to any other=20
part of the disk(s)

Thank you in advance

Merci a l'avance



Subject: Re: Email from Shell/Telnet prompt?
From: Vilmos Soti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 17:54:04 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (kristian ragndahl) writes:

>> Is it possible to specify FROM/TO and SUBJECT?
>> The script is run automatically via cron but it does not confirm the
>> successfully running of the script which I would like it to do.  As the
>> server is shared via an ISP I can not change any settings on the machine
>> itself. 
> mail -s Subject email@address < body.txt

It doesn't specify the FROM email address and I don't know if you can do
that with mail. One thing one can do is to use perl.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Y. Tremblay)
Subject: How to recover damaged tar file
Date: 30 Aug 2000 17:58:46 GMT


I have a large tar file that the first few Kb's have been damaged.  
As such, I lost the initial header information and can't untar it
properly anymore.

However, most of the data is still there.  I just can't access it

Would anybody point me the the best way to recover the data out of
such a file.  

Thanks in advance.

Yannick Tremblay

Y. Tremblay


Subject: File colours
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 19:13:28 +0100

Can someone please tell me what the file colours mean. What is green* I
think I know the others.


From: "David .." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Modem connections - how to automatically check if disconnected?
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 12:59:01 -0500

Martin Mallett wrote:
> Hi
> I am the proud owner of a humble 56k modem and live in a backwards country
> where my ISP disconnects you every 2 hours.  Question is, is there a way to
> check to see if I'm online?  At the moment, I crontab every 15 mins and try
> to force a connection.  This is OK and works but hardly subtle - can I only
> force a connection when there isn't one already established?
> Also, how can I get my system to recognise a busy tone and redial as
> necessary?
> I use redhat 6.1 and dial up using eznet at the moment.  I have no worries
> about changing dialup software (well...within reason :).  Any ideas and/or
> pointers in the right direction?

If you want it to redial when disconnected then you can edit
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ppp0 and use these settings.


Add them just below the "ONBOOT=" line. This will automatically redial
if disconnected allowing 60 seconds between the disconnect and redial.
Depending on the ISP you may be able to shorten the delay time.

Hope this helps
Confucius say: He who play in root, eventually kill tree.
Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538


Subject: Re: Email from Shell/Telnet prompt?
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andreas Kahari)
Date: 30 Aug 2000 20:10:34 +0100

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
kristian ragndahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On 30 Aug 2000 12:50:41 +0100, Andreas Kahari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>: In article <8oioi6$6kl$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>: NoSpam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>: >Is it possible to specify FROM/TO and SUBJECT?
>: >
>: >The script is run automatically via cron but it does not confirm the
>: >successfully running of the script which I would like it to do.  As the
>: >server is shared via an ISP I can not change any settings on the machine
>: >itself. 
>: Read the manual for the 'mailx' command.
>I believe it's 'mail' in Linux.
>mail -s Subject email@address < body.txt

You are quite right. My Debian GNU/Linux is set up to have 'mailx' as
a symlink to 'mail' (the same goes for the manual page). That's the
default on all Debian (potato) systems.


Andreas Kähäri, <URL:>.
All junk e-mail will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
The important thing is not to stop questioning.


Subject: Re: File colours
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andreas Kahari)
Date: 30 Aug 2000 20:15:20 +0100

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Dux  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Can someone please tell me what the file colours mean. What is green* I
>think I know the others.

If you're using the built in colors of 'ls' then green is the color
for executable files.

See also the manual page for the command 'dircolors'.


Andreas Kähäri, <URL:>.
All junk e-mail will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
The important thing is not to stop questioning.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: named,httpd,sshd Aren't Started During Boot
Date: 30 Aug 2000 18:18:45 GMT

In <Sq_q5.7999$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Scott B. Drummonds" 

>Greetings, all,

>I'm trying to figure out why named, httpd, and sshd daemons aren't starting
>automatically when I boot my (Linux) system.  My impression, from
>convention, was that I need to create a script in /etc/rc.d/init.d and
>create a S[0-9][0-9] symbolic link to it in /etc/rc.d/rc.[0-6].  I have done
>exactly this for rc3.d/S72sshd, rc3.d/S85httpd, and rc3.d/S43named but none
>of these services seem to be started when I cycle the power.  Am I missing

A) Does the script work if you run it with the start option
eg, as root do 
/etc/init.d/sshd start
B) Does it work if you run the start service from the rc3.d
/etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S72sshd start
C) Do you have the appropriate stop service in /etc/rc6.d
/etc/rc.d/rc6.d/K45sshd which will run with the stop option
d) Are your starting in runlevel 3? If you run in runlevel 5, then the
runlevel 3 script will not get run. So you need to put them into all
runlevels you may start up in where you want them to run.
(runlevel 3-- console login
runlevel 5 -- Xdm login)
E) All of the rpm packages for these services install the appropriate
scripts and links for you. What happened in your case?


Subject: Re: File colours
From: Vilmos Soti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 18:23:33 GMT

Dux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Can someone please tell me what the file colours mean. What is green* I
> think I know the others.

We really need to know which distro and version you are using
provided nobody has changed the defaults. Somewhere I have seen
that green represents files which the logged in user can execute.



Reply-To: styx, at, mailbox, dot, as
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,alt.os.linux.mandrake,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Installing Mandrake on top of Caldera ?
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 18:24:47 GMT

During install, you will get a question wich partitions you want to
format. Just deselect your old /home partition, and everything should be


Martin Racette wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I would like to know if it is possible to install Mandrake 7.1 without
> erasing Caldera, I mean replacing the OS but not losing all the
> information was already written to disk
> I don't have any possiblity to move my /home directory to any other
> part of the disk(s)
> Thank you in advance
> Merci a l'avance
> Martin


From: "Jeremy C. Reed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: can't reboot, init high CPU
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 11:26:06 -0700

I had several (over fifty) defunct processes who don't have any parents
(so I assume init). init was using up lots of CPU time.

None of the defunct processes could be killed (-9). (Maybe this is
normal.) Some of the defunct processes included: syslogd, kswapd, netscape
(and others).

And reboot, shutdown, halt, "kill -1 1", "kill 1", "kill -9 1" did not
work. Note that the system was still usable. (Only a physical power switch
reset worked to reboot though).

This problem has occured a few times.

Linux version 2.2.13 (root@antelope) (gcc versi on 2.95.2 20000313 (Debian
GNU/Linux)) #1 Sat May 27 16:22:13 PDT 2000

I am not sure what init I am running. (It is from Debian Potato --
included in sysvinit 2.78-4.)

My log files don't seem to show anything about this.

Does anyone have any ideas? Or know what is going on?

(Now I see that my log file has
 Aug  7 13:52:00 antelope kernel: es1371: dma timed out??
hundreds of times.)

(If there is a better newsgroup for this question, please let me know.)


         Jeremy Reed



Subject: Re: Newbie, Help, CLI Commands,
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 13:15:53 +0100

Martin Vipond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> did eloquently scribble:
> I need to delete an entire directory with files and subdirectories. Is there
> a command such as deltree?


man rm

|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |                                                 |
|Andrew Halliwell BSc(hons)| "ARSE! GERLS!! DRINK! DRINK! DRINK!!!"          |
|            in            | "THAT WOULD BE AN ECUMENICAL MATTER!...FECK!!!! |
|     Computer Science     | - Father Jack in "Father Ted"                   |


Subject: Re: System hangup using Netscape
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 13:25:27 +0100

[EMAIL PROTECTED] did eloquently scribble:
> Does anybody have a similar experience? 

I don't, but then, I don't do silly things like run bloatware as root.

> How can I fix this? 

Root is a user for specific purposes, such as configuration/administration
and should NOT be used as if it was a standard user.

Running applications as root gives those applications access to system
resources they shouldn't have access to.

Either use the "dummy account" or create a proper user account for yourself.

|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | "Are you pondering what I'm pondering Pinky?"   |
|Andrew Halliwell BSc(hons)|                                                 |
|            in            | "I think so brain, but this time, you control   |
|     Computer Science     |  the Encounter suit, and I'll do the voice..."  |


Subject: Re: Linux question: sound devices and multiple sound files
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 13:20:07 +0100

Dave Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> did eloquently scribble:
> Neil Zanella wrote:
>> A long while ago I heared that under Linux it was possible to play
>> multiple mp3s _simultaneously_ by creating multiple device files or
>> something like that. Is this true? If so then how can this be
>> achieved?

> Well, just for giggles I just now started five MP3s with separate
> instances of mpg123. Worked great. I'm using the ALSA driver for a
> SBLive Value. I believe that your card/driver combination will make the
> difference.

Or you could pipe the output through the esd Enlightenment Sound Daemon
which offers multiple sounds simultaneously without locking the audio

|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | "I'm alive!!! I can touch! I can taste!         |
|Andrew Halliwell BSc(hons)|  I can SMELL!!!  KRYTEN!!! Unpack Rachel and    |
|            in            |  get out the puncture repair kit!"              |
|     Computer Science     |     Arnold Judas Rimmer- Red Dwarf              |


From: Kyle Parfrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Distro change: To debian or SuSE ??
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 18:39:17 GMT

Had thought about Storm, tried to download it, calculated it to take 66hours!!!(?). 
Problem, for
the full potatoe in storm you need the deluxe version which costs $70 + change to 
Irish pounds at
rediculous exchange rate [euro :( ] + shipping. Instead I just bought a magazine that 
comes with
Mandrake 7.1 . If I develope a real proficiency at 'nux I might get the next version 
of debian,
Thanks all,
Phillip Deackes wrote:

> Other contributors to this thread have answered most of your questions.
> Apt-get is absolutely superb and makes installing software or upgrading
> very easy indeed.
> I would recommend Storm Linux ( Storm Linux is Debian
> with enhancements like a GUI to apt-get and an excellent system
> administration tool. It installs very nicely - far easier than Debian.
> What you end up with *is* Debian - you lose absolutley nothing of a
> traditional Debian install. If you get the most recent version of Storm
> Linux you will have the equivalent of Debian Potato, the just-released
> version. I installed the first version of Storm and have since upgraded
> it to Woody which is the next-to-be-released version of Debian.
> You can get a 'free' CD version of Storm which contains all the Storm
> enhancements. Have a look at - but I doubt
> whether the very latest version of Storm (aka Hail) is available yet in
> this form. It can be downloaded from the Storm ftp site though, and
> there is a UK mirror (not sure about Ireland).
> Hope this hasn't confused you too much!
> --
> Phillip Deackes
> Using Storm Linux 2000



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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