Linux-Misc Digest #695, Volume #25                Fri, 8 Sep 00 00:13:02 EDT

  Re: Where is setenv in Red Hat 6.2? (Fester)
  Re: VirtualHost disables main server!!! ("Devon Harding")
  Re: Lilo removal from mbr (Peter Mitchell)
  new mail from "Cron" ("Devon Harding")
  services shut down immediately after starting (RH6.2) (Dave Masino)
  Re: opengl on sgi linux machines? (Thor Lancelot Simon)
  Re: Apache/ipchains problem... (David Efflandt)
  Re: pppd wants remote sysyem to authenticate (Greg Martin)
  Re: ASCII File transfer over Ethernet to Mulitport Serial on Linux box? (David 
  Re: Problems with kppp under RedHat 6.2 (Jason Youzwak)
  Re: How do you change the timezone on Linux? ("Ferdinand V. Mendoza")
  Adding RAM to RedHat Linux ("miko")
  Re: Pentium III Speed (David Efflandt)
  Re: Quicktime player? (Sorenson Video) (Graham Daniell)
  Re: rpm disaster (Jynx)
  Re: ppp, direct lan connection, and squid (David Efflandt)
  Re: Goddamnit!  Can't download files (Graham Daniell)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Fester)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Where is setenv in Red Hat 6.2?
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 02:14:27 GMT

On Thu, 7 Sep 2000 18:48:28 -0500, Shane Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>if I'm not mistaken "setenv" is used in the "C" shell to set environment
>and I believe by default Redhat uses the "bash" (at least that's my
>experience) shell in which case to
>set an environment variable you can just use "VARIABLE=value"
>or edit your login to give you the C shell by default.

Not sure if VARIABLE=value by itself works, but I *know* that:

export VARIABLE=value


-- Fester

   We like Roy.


From: "Devon Harding" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: VirtualHost disables main server!!!
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 22:39:04 -0400

I can't really use ip instead of domain name as my external ip changes often
as a result to dhcp from my isp.

I'm using ddns to assign my domain name.

There's got to be another solution


"Raymond Doetjes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> It should be name ipaddress portnumber
> and then every side that you host also your so called mainside should have
> VirtualHost directive.
> It is a bit confugsing but also pretty logical once that you know that
> VirtualHosts enables a different way of hadneling calls. It sees a
> and it will look for the right documentroot for that domainname, this also
> happens ofcourse for his standard domain.
> Raymond
> Percy Cheng wrote:
> > Hi Devon,
> >
> >    It should be a problem if attempt the naming host to domain name,
> > try to use ip, dhcp can assign a fix ip to specific host too.
> >
> > Devon Harding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > news:tVCt5.10405$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > > When I enable VirtualHost in httpd.conf, request to the main site is
> > > redirected to the VirtualHost site.  I have to create another
> > > for the main site.  Take a look at my httpd.conf:
> > >
> > > Note: I have to use dns name for NameVirtualHost because the adapter
> > that
> > > ip is obtained by dhcp
> > >
> > > ### Section 3: Virtual Hosts
> > > #
> > > # VirtualHost: If you want to maintain multiple domains/hostnames on
> > > # machine you can setup VirtualHost containers for them.
> > > # Please see the documentation at
> > > # for further details before you try to setup virtual hosts.
> > > # You may use the command line option '-S' to verify your virtual host
> > > # configuration.
> > >
> > > #
> > > # If you want to use name-based virtual hosts you need to define at
> > > # least one IP address (and port number) for them.
> > > #
> > > #NameVirtualHost
> > > NameVirtualHost
> > >
> > > #
> > > # VirtualHost example:
> > > # Almost any Apache directive may go into a VirtualHost container.
> > > #
> > > #<VirtualHost>
> > > #    ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > #    DocumentRoot /www/docs/
> > > #    ServerName
> > > #    ErrorLog logs/
> > > #    CustomLog logs/ common
> > > #</VirtualHost>
> > >
> > > <VirtualHost _default_:*>
> > > </VirtualHost>
> > >
> > > <VirtualHost>
> > >         ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >         ServerName
> > >         DocumentRoot /www/docs/
> > >         ErrorLog logs/
> > >     CustomLog logs/ common
> > > </VirtualHost>
> > >
> > > <VirtualHost>
> > >         ServerAdmin
> > >         ServerName
> > >         DocumentRoot /home/httpd/html
> > > </VirtualHost>
> > >
> > >


From: Peter Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.uu.comp.os.linux.questions,comp.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Lilo removal from mbr
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 02:25:37 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> On Thu, 7 Sep 2000 17:25:04 GMT, oneal wrote:
> >I want to take out the 2nd hard drive which contains Linux and move
> >to another computer.  How do I get rid of LILO in the mbr? Should I
> >reformat my linux os since I'm going to another system? Should I do
> >before I take it out of my first system?
> >Oneal

If you leave lilo on the second hard disk it won't hurt - it won't be

Using fdisk /mbr is only if you want to save the existing partitions.
The boot sector contains code to start the OS, plus the partition
table, and fdisk /mbr only changes the startup code, not the partition

If you don't care about the existing partitions you can put the drive
into the new machine, let the BIOS detect it and then use fdisk (DOS/Win
or Linux) to remove all the partitions. This may rewrite the code as
well; I'm not sure, but on a second drive it doesn't get used anyway.

If the BIOS doesn't detect the drive (e.g. BIOS only supports 2 drives
and you have 3 counting the CD), Linux will probably detect it anyway,
and Linux fdisk will work.


Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "Devon Harding" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: new mail from "Cron"
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 22:42:43 -0400

Why do I keep getting this mail from the cron daemon:

Message 1:
>From root  Tue May  2 04:04:28 2000
Date: Tue, 2 May 2000 04:02:36 -0400
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cron Daemon)
Subject: Cron <root@mars> run-parts /etc/cron.daily
X-Cron-Env: <SHELL=/bin/bash>
X-Cron-Env: <PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin>
X-Cron-Env: <MAILTO=root>
X-Cron-Env: <HOME=/>
X-Cron-Env: <LOGNAME=root>

/usr/bin/news.daily: /var/lib/news/.news.daily: Permission denied
error: bad top line in state file /var/lib/logrotate.status



From: Dave Masino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: services shut down immediately after starting (RH6.2)
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 02:53:28 GMT

I'm having some woes with my RH 6.2 box. Just recently I had to power
down to move the machine when I noticed that most of the services that
are usually started...weren't. The screen reported "FAILED" for the
majority of the services the system tried to shut down (sshd, cron,
sendmail, ...) claiming that there is no such PID for that process.

When the machine came back up, all was reported well on the screen
regarding daemons starting on initialization, but once I logged in,
there were no processes for them. I could start them manually at the
shell prompt and they seem to work though. One test I did was boot the
system and shut down right away. Sure enough, all started well, and
most failed on shutdown claming "no PID".

We haven't installed anything new or changed the configuration
(knowingly) in months. Any suggestions as to what's going on here or
how to fix it?

Much thanks in advance,

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thor Lancelot Simon)
Crossposted-To: comp.sys.sgi.admin
Subject: Re: opengl on sgi linux machines?
Date: 7 Sep 2000 23:12:49 -0400

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Tom Mitchell  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Yep... at lunch some MIPS folks discussed changes to the
>pipeline and pipeline depth to permit faster clocks.  I know
>that some simulation models were run .... for some
>application models the feedback was that the increase in
>pipeline depth cost more performance than the net clock
>increase would gain (they model lots of things, this type of
>model is not too hard).

Of course, in an ideal world you could just reduce the feature size
and leave everything else the same.  But the "bad guys" and their
same-instruction-set competitors have pretty much got a lock on the 
world's Particularly Sexy Fab capacity -- except for what IBM uses
for PowerPC and now rents out for Alpha, I guess.

I don't know what this means for MIPS.  Perhaps you do, but you can't
tell me.  If MIPS is going to run at a third the clock rate and stay
performance-competitive in the future, there's got to be some really,
really cool tricks up someone's sleeve somewhere.  I can't wait to
see them. :-)

Thor Lancelot Simon                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        "And where do all these highways go, now that we are free?"


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt)
Subject: Re: Apache/ipchains problem...
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2000 03:23:30 +0000 (UTC)

On Thu, 7 Sep 2000 16:52:35 -0400, Joshua D Rusch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>We are using ipchains to forward public.ip:80 requests to private.ip:9000
>requests.  This works most of the time, but on some occasions, the apache
>running on private.ip:9000 sends a hardcoded "301 the object has moved" to
>public.ip:9000 (where there is no server listening).  It seems to be an
>apache problem, but we're not sure.
>Anyone have any ideas, or a better place to look for help.

Lookup the UseCanonicalName directive.

David Efflandt  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Greg Martin)
Subject: Re: pppd wants remote sysyem to authenticate
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 03:29:24 GMT

On 8 Sep 2000 00:54:22 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh) wrote:

>In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Greg Martin) writes:
>>I'm just installing Red Hat. When I connect to my ISP I get as far as
>>the stream of babble from their ppp but then disconnect. pppd log
>>The remote system is required to autenticate itself but I couldn't
>>find any secret (password) which would let it use an IP address.
>into /etc/ppp/options

Thankyou Bill. That's what I did and it worked. Is auth the default?

>route del default
>into /etc/rc.d/rc.local (at the end)
I just did this. I'm not sure I noticed a difference. What does it
Greg Martin.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt)
Subject: Re: ASCII File transfer over Ethernet to Mulitport Serial on Linux box?
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2000 03:31:32 +0000 (UTC)

On Fri, 08 Sep 2000 00:45:48 GMT, John Doe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Surely someone has tackled this type of task before but I'm unable to
>find any docs to get me going.
>I work in a machine shop and the machinery uses ASCII files to control
>the machine movements. Currently we have the switch box setup to
>select which Win98 computer sends/recieves to which machine. We'd like
>to switch to multiport serial devices on a Linux server (where the
>files will be stored for re-use) to eliminate the problems we are
>having with the boxes (not a pleasant enviroment).
>My problem is I'm a newbie to Linux (it took me a week to get the
>ports to work) and I can't quite see all the pieces to this task.

I don't know if you have done any Perl scripting but there is a
Device::SerialPort module available (a Unix port of
Win32::SerialPort) at any CPAN mirror (or ) that
might lend itself to this.  I have used it to talk AT commands with a

David Efflandt  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Jason Youzwak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problems with kppp under RedHat 6.2
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 03:28:51 GMT

Silviu Cojocaru wrote:
>    I have installed RedHat 6.2 on my PC.I configured kppp as root.I loged
> in as a normal user and after starting X I tryied to launch kppp.There
> a pop-up screen requesting to input root' I did (and I
> it right).Kppp was killed telling me that it couldnt connect to the X
> server.Now what could be the problem here? Can anyone help me?
> Thanks for reading this.
> P.S. these are the messgaes I received:
> AUDIT:Thu Jun 8 21:30:22 :602 X:client 14 rejected from local host
> Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
> Xlib: invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key
> kppp: cannot connect to X server :0
> --
> Posted via CNET

You can try:

xhost +localhost

Probably easier allowing all users to connect to kppp:

Edit /etc/pam.d/kppp


auth sufficient /lib/security/
auth sufficient /lib/security/

Posted via CNET


From: "Ferdinand V. Mendoza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How do you change the timezone on Linux?
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 07:36:40 +0400

man date

Dave T wrote:

> I have a problem with the time and emails on my Linux server.
> The time and date seem to be OK and the timezone is set to GMT.
> However emails are being delivered with the current time +1hr. I thought it
> might be something to do with British Summer Time. In the email headers it
> has the correct time and date but has also +0100 e.g
> From: "David Travers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: packet cd software
> Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 17:41:18 +0100
> Anyone know how to fix this?
> --
> |---------------------------------------------------|
> | Anti-Spam - Please reply to address below          |
> | Email Address : [EMAIL PROTECTED]        |
> |---------------------------------------------------|


From: "miko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Adding RAM to RedHat Linux
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2000 11:31:00 +0800

I have used 128MB x 2 (total 256MB) in the RH6.1 (Kernel 2.2.12-20)
however I found only 128MB show on 'dmesg'.

I have already changed the file 'lilo.conf'.
the context is as follows:


what should I do ?

Michael Kwan


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt)
Subject: Re: Pentium III Speed
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2000 03:41:33 +0000 (UTC)

On Fri, 08 Sep 2000 00:19:24 +0000, Thierry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I just bought a Sony Vaio F560 laptop with a pentium III 600 Mhz. I
>installed Linux mandrake 7.1, which works fine, but on the login screen
>there is indicated that my processor is a 498 MHZ, do you know why ?

Are there any SpeedStep or power saving settings in CMOS setup?  The
processor kicks back to 500 MHz when full speed is not needed.  That might
be controlled by ACPI which apmd is unaware of (2.4.x kernels have ACPI
support, but I have not tried one).

How many bogomips to you get?  My F450 with PIII 500 does 989.59.

David Efflandt  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Graham Daniell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Quicktime player? (Sorenson Video)
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 11:45:44 +0800

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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What?  And import all the windoze DLL and Registry problems holus-bolus into Linux?
sounds like a death-wish for Linux to me.

Graham Daniell

> I wonder if there are any tools for Linux to reverse engineer Windows
> .exe and .dll files.  I mean something that doesn't require VMWare.  I
> mean something where you simply load the appropriate .exe, .dll, and .vxd
> files (including the ones from the Windows OS) and the program then
> analyzes the execution (by running it in a VM) to generate a
> specification, or better yet, a C source code output.  Something that
> is usable anyway.
> Seems like something to think about.

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tel;fax:(618) 9222 9131
tel;work:(618) 9222 9943
org:Information Systems Division;WA Treasury Dept
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Help Desk Co-ordinator
adr;quoted-printable:;;Mezzanine Floor=0D=0A197 St. Georges Terrace;Perth;Western 
fn:Graham Daniell



Subject: Re: rpm disaster
Reply-To: If You Reply <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 08 Sep 2000 03:53:09 GMT

On Thu, 7 Sep 2000 17:10:34 +0100 (BST), [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled:
>Thanks to everyone for their advice, I now have rpm back again :-)

Yes -- but I'm curious.
Just whose advice did you implement?

Marvin L Jones         |  jonz             |  W3DHJ     |  OS/2
 Gunnison, Colorado    |   @               |  Jonesy    |  linux    __
  7,703' -- 2,345m     |   |  DM68mn                SK


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt)
Subject: Re: ppp, direct lan connection, and squid
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2000 03:55:18 +0000 (UTC)

On Fri, 08 Sep 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have a machine (RH 6.2) connected to the web via a lan (to the
>school router) and ppp (to a commercial ISP). I also have SQUID running
>on the machine. our machine is acting as a gateway for our department.
>right now the default gateway of the machine ( as seen in the routing
>table) is ppp with certain requests being redirected to the lan gateway.
>the problem is that I want the incoming and outgiong emails as well as
>the web packets requested through SQUID going to the ppp. The other web
>packets not requested through SQUID going to the LAN (school router)
>Is there a way of doing the above with out using separate computers for
>the ppp and the lan?

You don't say what is happening now.  Maybe you need local DNS zones or
/etc/hosts entries so school mail is routed to LAN IPs instead of
going out to the internet and back.

And whether web browsers use squid or not for certain IP ranges is
determined by browser settings.  For example if you set Netscape to "No
proxy for 192.168." (trailing dot) it would not use squid for 192.168.x.x
IPs, and where the request goes depends upon your -net or -host routing.

David Efflandt  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Graham Daniell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Goddamnit!  Can't download files
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 12:01:07 +0800

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I have been having exactly the same problem under Red Hat 6.2,
running either Netscape or using gftp.  However I overcame it
initially by, after the 100% is downloaded, copying the
downloaded file to another dir (in case terminating gftp killed
the file, as sometimes happens).  This worked for me on a couple
of occassions.

Then I discovered wget, which although a command-line utility, is
very good, and which seemed to not suffer from this problem.

Give it a go - hope it works for you.  (PS - you need the full
ftp address of the file(s) you want to download first).

Basic use is: wget

To download multiple fiiles, the easiest way is to put the url's
of the files into a text file, and then do:
wget -i textfilename

(See man wget.)

It also has excellent facilities like automatic restart of
aborted downloads, auto downloading of new files, directory tree
recusion, ability to download whole ftp or http sites etc etc.

Graham Daniell

Praedor Tempus wrote:

> This is really beginning to tick me off.
> Lately I have been unable to download files.  I have
> tried with ncftp and plain old ftp.  Neither works.
> What happens is that it appears to download fine, all
> the way to the end, but at the end, the connection
> doesn't terminate and just doesn't complete.
> Using Netscape, I tried downloading a couple of
> RPMs from rufus.rpmfind.  Both rpms downloaded 100%
> but the download window will NOT close.  I cannot
> install the rpms because of this.
> If I try to download via CLI using ncftp, the same
> thing occurs.  The download goes to "completion"
> but wont really complete the transaction.
> What. Is.  Wrong.  Please, does anyone know what
> the deal here might be?
> How do I fix this?
> I am running Mandrake 7.1, kernel-2.2.17, glibc-2.1.3-6mdk,
> Netscape 4.72 (which has worked fine until very recently),
> ncftp-3.0.1-6mdk.
> Anyone?  Anyone?
> praedor

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Content-Description: Card for Graham Daniell
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tel;fax:(618) 9222 9131
tel;work:(618) 9222 9943
org:Information Systems Division;WA Treasury Dept
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Help Desk Co-ordinator
adr;quoted-printable:;;Mezzanine Floor=0D=0A197 St. Georges Terrace;Perth;Western 
fn:Graham Daniell




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