Linux-Misc Digest #409, Volume #26               Mon, 27 Nov 00 19:13:05 EST

  Gnome and shutdown options (Alex Deucher)
  Re: Can't mount or dd nonstandard floppy (Doc)
  Re: bash scripting question ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: another bash scripting question ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: reporting wrong info? (Jason Wagner)
  Re: ipchains vs. iptables for firewalls?? (Johan Kullstam)
  starting ssh-agent as parent of X session for SSH (doug reeder)
  Re: pam.d/system-auth dependency? (Hal Burgiss)
  Xircom  RealPort CardBus RBEM56G ??? ("Cameron")
  Re: Can't mount or dd nonstandard floppy ("John W. Krahn")
  Re: reporting wrong info? (Robert Clayton)
  Re: Apache problem ("John D. Peedle")
  Re: another bash scripting question (Scott Schaefer)
  Re: starting ssh-agent as parent of X session for SSH (Robert Lynch)
  network device drivers ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  test page prints out but nothing else... (Nicolas Remy)
  Re: Database in Redhat Linux ("Anthony W. Youngman")
  Re: Library Question (Leo Cambilargiu)
  For a Guru: Shutdown Problem (Leo Cambilargiu)
  ELF problem in Postgresql (Leo Cambilargiu)


Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 16:49:15 -0500
From: Alex Deucher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Gnome and shutdown options

I just installed redhat 7 on my toshiba libretto.  I also added Helix
Gnome.  On my other PC, I installed redhat 7 and I have the option to
shutdown, reboot, or logout when I choose logout from gnome.  Although
on this box I'm not using Helix gnome.  Is this some limitation of
helixcode gnome, or what?  Initially my regular user account did not
have permission to shutdown the pc, but I changed that in linuxconf. 
What permissions exactly get changed when you allow a regular user to
shutdown?  Does anyone know of a way I can get these options back?


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,alt.os.linux.slackware
Subject: Re: Can't mount or dd nonstandard floppy
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 22:02:54 GMT

On Mon, 27 Nov 2000 11:11:03 +0100, Tim Allen,
>Here's what I've tried so far-- excuse the verbosity of the output, I'm
>hoping someone else has already trudged through this successfully, and don't
>want to give too little information:

Did you try mounting them as 720k or 360k floppies? If they only have one hole,
where the write-protect is, then they're probably 720k.

 Doc Shipley
   Network Stuff
      Austin, Earth                      


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin,,comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: bash scripting question
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 23:33:49 +0100

In Robert Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Manfred Bartz wrote:
>> "David Cunningham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>> >
>> > > i need to execute a process and assign it's pid to a variable.
>> $ pidof xchat
> [rj@localhost rj]$ /sbin/pidof mingetty
> 27043 26989 604 603 602
> [rj@localhost rj]$ ps -C mingetty
>   PID TTY          TIME CMD
>   602 tty4     00:00:00 mingetty

Learn to edit, please, people.

You are probably looking for the shell construct "$!" as in:

    bash$ echo ho & echo the pid is $!
    [1] 3497
    the pid is 3497
    [1]+  Done                    echo ho

Clear? ;-)



From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin,,comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: another bash scripting question
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 23:34:54 +0100

> this script fails for filenames that contain multiple words, eg. a
> filename like "my file.txt" or my\ file.txt.

> how can i fix this?

By learning to use quotes. As in [ ! -s "$file" ]



From: Jason Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: reporting wrong info?
Date: 27 Nov 2000 23:10:05 GMT

: > coming off a clean boot, top reports 209mb in use!  uptime reports .16 .12
: > .17 when only root is logged in and just sitting at a prompt.

: Sounds normal to me.

I have a P5-100 that shows 0.04 0.09 0.04 when sitting at a prompt...

: > 
: > i've got a pair of 100mhz cpus in there, 256mb ram, and barely anything
: > running on the system, yet it behaves as though i'm doing some serious
: > work.

: How so?

In the sense that most of my free resources appear to be in use.  

: Probably not. Linux uses memory as it sees fit, and makes no attempt
: to keep it free. If you run the  top  command, it will show you how
: the memory is being used. Chances are that it is being used for
: buffers and cache. It gives these spaces back only if it finds
: something that needs it, so normally it should report that most of
: your memory is being used.

So its safe to assume that, if something required memory, linux wouldn't have a 
problem giving it up?
Forgive my apparent ignorance, I've spent too much time in a Microsoft world to know 
how OS's should truly
handle such things.  

I should probably also note that, out of the blue, after a random reset, this problem 
cleared up
completely.  The system now boots into less than 29mb in use, and load is nearly 0 
across the board.


Subject: Re: ipchains vs. iptables for firewalls??
From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 22:48:15 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Patrick Schaaf) writes:

> Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Patrick Schaaf) writes:
> >> Nice. What did the developers / maintainers say to your problem
> >> when you reported it?
> >i got no response whatsoever to the two postings i made about this to
> >the netfilter mailing list.  here is a record of what i sent to them.
> ><URL:>
> >are other people experiencing problems with smp and iptables?
> Hmm. I saw no problems, even under (synthetic) load of about 400mbit/s,
> on a dual P-III box, with kernel and netfilter somewhere around -test7.
> The .config in your mail to the list looks fine; however, you do now
> provide ksymoops output - didn't you get any,

no.  the machine just froze.

>  i.e. did you see a hard
> halt of the machine without any output?

the keyboard and mouse died.  so did eth0 (my LAN NIC).  i was trying
to use iptables with eth1 but i never got past loading the module and
trying "iptables -nL" at the prompt.  the module loaded, but after
invoking iptables it just froze up.  perhaps i should have scheduled a
shutdown in the future.

> With the information in your
> mail, and no comparable machine to reproduce it, I wouldn't know how
> to tackle the issue.

it might be a 4-way smp deadlock issue.  i recall old 2.0.x with
x < 34 (or so) wouldn't do more than 2-way smp.  it did squawk about
deadlocks back then.

> Will try out test10 in some days, and come back to you (and the list)
> if I can reproduce.


J o h a n  K u l l s t a m
Don't Fear the Penguin!


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (doug reeder)
Crossposted-To: osu.sys.linux,comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: starting ssh-agent as parent of X session for SSH
Date: 27 Nov 2000 22:55:55 GMT

I have SSH up and running on some systems, but I would like to 
have ssh-agent run as the parent of X, so that ssh-agent can
handle the user's keys.

When a machine is set up for console login, I can get everything running
by entering at the console:

$ ssh-agent startx

and then in a shell window under X:

$ ssh-add

Thereafter, ssh-agent handles the user's keys, and all is copacetic.

However, I do not see a way to get this all going when the machine is
set up for graphical login (i.e. X starts right after the machine
boots). How is this normally done?  Do I need to edit the startx

P. Douglas Reeder      Lecturer, Computer. Science. Dept., Ohio State Univ..
GE/S d+ s+:- a C+@$ UH+ P+ L E W++ N+ o? K? w !O M+ V PS+() PE Y+ PGP- t 5+ !X
R>+ tv+ b+++>$ DI+ D- G e+++ h r+>+++ y+>++


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hal Burgiss)
Subject: Re: pam.d/system-auth dependency?
Reply-To: Hal Burgiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 22:56:39 GMT

On Mon, 27 Nov 2000 14:32:23 -0600, Lori Holder-Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>I'm trying to upgrade gnorpm after having upgraded the rpm to 3.0.5.
>This system started out as a RH 6.1 custom install but has been
>upgraded via downloads from later RH distros.
>When I try to upgrade the gnorpm rpm, I get a message that
>"gnorpm-0.95.1-5.6x requires /etc/pam.d/system-auth".
>I've installed the pam-0.72-6.i386.rpm but still no system-auth.
>My questions:
>What is this file?
>Where does it come from?
>What does it do?
>Why does gnorpm require this?

Dunno any of the answers, but here is my copy of that file:

$ cat /etc/pam.d/system-auth
# This file is auto-generated.
# User changes will be destroyed the next time authconfig is run.
auth        sufficient    /lib/security/ likeauth nullok md5 shadow
auth        required      /lib/security/
account     sufficient    /lib/security/
account     required      /lib/security/
password    required      /lib/security/ retry=3
password    sufficient    /lib/security/ nullok use_authtok md5 shadow
password    required      /lib/security/
session     required      /lib/security/

Do you have the latest PAM?

Hal B


From: "Cameron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Xircom  RealPort CardBus RBEM56G ???
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 16:41:25 -0600

Can anyone tell me if Linux supports a Xircom RealPort CardBus Ethernet
10/100 + Modem 56 (RBEM56G-100) PCMCIA card?  I am mainly interested in
using it with Red Hat, and also Mandrake (both are the latest versions).

If this card does work under Linux, can you help me with DETAILED
instructions on how to configure Linux to use/work with the card, please?
(E.g. which config files to modify, which network settings, which "adapter"
to use, etc. etc. etc.)

Thank you very much (in advance)   :-)

Cameron Ninham
cpn66 at hotmail dot com


From: "John W. Krahn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,alt.os.linux.slackware
Subject: Re: Can't mount or dd nonstandard floppy
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 22:54:25 GMT

B'ichela wrote:
>         If you are going to recomend DOS for this job. Anadisk 2.07
> will examine the disk AND make a disk dump. The geometry info alone
> makes it a worthy program to keep DOS for! Plus it is shareware. (non
> Crippled). To my knowledge Spinrite only does HARD Disks! These are
> floppy disks!

SpinRite will repair BOTH hard disks and floppy disks.



From: Robert Clayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: reporting wrong info?
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 18:56:59 -0500


I wouldn't worry about what free tells you, for the reasons mentioned
earlier.  Free includes memory buffered and cached by the kernel, which
is *technically* available memory.  Trust your shiny little linux
kernel, when the memory is needed for a process, it will be freed.  As
has been said, top will give you a better picture of your resources.


Robert Clayton - System Administrator - ACTiX
"People demand freedom of speech to make up for the
freedom of thought which they avoid."
     - Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)


From: "John D. Peedle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Apache problem
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 23:10:53 -0000

I don't know about other posters to this group, but I have come
to the conclusion that Linuxconf is more trouble than it's worth.
Most things are easier to configure by hand anyway, If you are happier
with a GUI then look at Webmin ( I have used
this on production servers with good effect.

John D. Peedle
RHCE - so I'm biased!
Registered Linux User 167460


Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 18:35:28 -0500
From: Scott Schaefer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin,,comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: another bash scripting question

Alas, the CAUSE of the problem is NOT missing quotes, but that the
bash "for" operator assigns values to its control variable based upon

As already pointed out in a previous reply, the first line of the 
original script should read: 

  for file in *

... rather than ...

  for file in `/bin/ls -1`;

With the former, a filename with one or more embedded spaces is
returned as a single "token", and is assigned to the variable $file.
With the latter, such a filename is returned as multiple tokens; each
"word" of such a filename is a separate token, resulting in multiple
iterations of the for .. do loop.

That said, quotes are (obviously) necessary to protect the evaluation 
of the $file variable in various constructs such as 'test' or its []

"Peter T. Breuer" wrote:
> > this script fails for filenames that contain multiple words, eg. a
> > filename like "my file.txt" or my\ file.txt.
> > how can i fix this?
> By learning to use quotes. As in [ ! -s "$file" ]
> Peter


From: Robert Lynch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: osu.sys.linux,comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: starting ssh-agent as parent of X session for SSH
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 15:37:56 -0800

doug reeder wrote:
> I have SSH up and running on some systems, but I would like to
> have ssh-agent run as the parent of X, so that ssh-agent can
> handle the user's keys.
> When a machine is set up for console login, I can get everything running
> by entering at the console:
> $ ssh-agent startx
> and then in a shell window under X:
> $ ssh-add
> Thereafter, ssh-agent handles the user's keys, and all is copacetic.
> However, I do not see a way to get this all going when the machine is
> set up for graphical login (i.e. X starts right after the machine
> boots). How is this normally done?  Do I need to edit the startx
> script?
> --
> P. Douglas Reeder      Lecturer, Computer. Science. Dept., Ohio State Univ..
> GE/S d+ s+:- a C+@$ UH+ P+ L E W++ N+ o? K? w !O M+ V PS+() PE Y+ PGP- t 5+ !X
> R>+ tv+ b+++>$ DI+ D- G e+++ h r+>+++ y+>++

I don't know if this is the BEST way, but the way I did it is to
edit /etc/X11/xdm/Xsession:
case $# in
    case $1 in
       exec xterm -geometry 80x24-0-0
       exec gnome-session
    # 10-17-00 start with ssh-agent
       exec ssh-agent /usr/share/apps/switchdesk/Xclients.kde
       #exec /usr/share/apps/switchdesk/Xclients.kde

HTH. Bob L.
Robert Lynch-Berkeley CA [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: network device drivers
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 23:38:35 GMT

I am currently searching for expert Linux kernel engineers in the
following areas: Gigabit networking, storage subsystems, networking and
hardware, for my client located in the East Bay.   My client is backed
by Kleiner, Perkins,Caufield and Byers Venture Firm (KPCB) and New
Enterprise Associates.
KPCB has  successes that include Internet leaders such as Amazon, AOL,
Excite, Netscape and Sun. This is a rare chance to participate in
an exciting new Internet category, not unlike Yahoo, Amazon, Ebay and
Netscape. The company that is the leading provider of internet storage
infrastructure. Their product will be used by ISPs and with established
companies. The company currently has 100 employees and are growing
They offer competitive salary and stock option packages.

If you are interested in learning more about the positions please e-
mail me
directly and attach your updated resume I will not submit your resume
without having your prior approval. Upon receipt of your resume I will
contact you and we can discuss the positions and company in detail. If
you are not interested and know of
anyone who might be interested in this type of position, please feel
free to
forward this information. If you refer a candidate and they are placed
will receive a referral compensation.
Thank you in advance for your time.

Jenny Tufts
Cooper | Johnson Recruiting, inc.
Phone: 415-865-3699
Fax: 415-865-3690

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Nicolas Remy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: test page prints out but nothing else...
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 15:59:01 -0800

I recently added a new local printer (connected to the parallel port)
using printtool. Printing a test page from printtool works fine,
but any other attempt to print something fails.
I tried 
cat file > /dev/lp0 (as root)
lpr -Pprinter file
nothing comes out and lpq reports "no entries"

Any idea of what this might come from ?

Thank you


From: "Anthony W. Youngman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Database in Redhat Linux
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 00:02:44 +0000
Reply-To: "Anthony W. Youngman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In article <8vmgld$om4$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Victor Wagner
>In comp.os.linux.misc Freelancer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>: I need decide which database going to run for Redhat Linux.
>: I know MySQL is the most popular one in Linux world. I need
>: you help me to fill out the blank and hole (?) in table below.
>Its a pity for Linux World, that most hype is done by people who don't
>know what real database is. So they promote mySQL which is no more than
>fast flat-file search engine with SQL-like syntax.

And it's a real pity that there are so many people who think that the
only valid type of database is a SQL database.
>It cannot be considered real SQL just becouse SQL stands for
>Structured Query language, and mySQL doesn't support structured, i.e.
>nested queries. 

By that argument *NO* database is "real SQL", because SQL is not a
datastore - it is a *language* used by the client to talk to the back
>But database is much more than just search engine. It also should ensure
>integrity of data both by enforcing some conditions of them (i.e.
>foreign keys and triggers) and by rolling failed transactio back to
>consistent state.

And to me, a database is a complete environment, aka AS/400, Pick, etc.
A SQL back-end is to databases what the rear legs are to pantomime
donkey - it can stand on its own but is useless without the other half.
>So, only free database is PostgreSQL. But PostgreSQL start to
>resemble real database only since 7.0 version, becouse before there was
>no foreign keys. I would consider that it IS a database, not RESEMBLES
>one only when it begin to support outer joins and binary large objects.
>Both are scheduled for 7.1.
I think you mean the only free *relational* database - which is not the
same thing at all. There are much better databases out there. While I
would strongly suggest that all database programmers should know
relational theory (it helps design immensely), there are a load of far
better databases out there. SQL and relational databases put theoretical
purity above practicality and functionality, which is why Oracle is such
a beast - I could probably write programs that run faster, do more, and
handle larger datasets, and all on a system half the size! just because
I don't believe "relational is best".
Anthony W. Youngman - wol at thewolery dot demon dot co dot uk
Witches are curious by definition and inquisitive by nature. She moved in. "Let 
me through. I'm a nosey person.", she said, employing both elbows.
Maskerade : (c) 1995 Terry Pratchett


From: Leo Cambilargiu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Library Question
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 21:40:41 -0200

> Modules are used by the kernel. They are effectively shared libs for the
> kernel and contain code used for device drivers, file system types and
> different executable formats...

Do you know were I can find information on a mechanism which allows
insertion of code like a modules or an object file to an executable during

I understand Postgresql 7.0.3 (my version) allows it as a user may expand
the current functionality by adding functions from object files which can
be written in C.  I am currently looking through the source but... 

Thanks in advance

Leo Cambilargiu


From: Leo Cambilargiu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: For a Guru: Shutdown Problem
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 21:53:16 -0200

Hello All:

This message is about a peculiar error which I don't have any idea about.

OK here it is:

I shut down the system as recommended (ctl+alt+del which invokes shutdown
-h now declared in /etc/inittab)

Everything works well until after the KILL signal is sent and the
filesystem is to be unmounted.

I have 4 partitions plus swap which work in my system.

hda2 is root    /
hda3 is swap
hda5 is usr     /usr
hda6 is home    /home
hda7 is root    /root

For some reason /usr does not get unmounted because the "device is busy".

I hacked /etc/rc.d/init/halt and added  "ps aux" and "df" after the unmount
command to see what process was f*cking up my system's perfect shutdown

If memory serves this is the output

[init]          perhaps this is the program the kernel first starts??
[k.something]   ditto
[another.something]     ditto
ps aux  program to get this info up
bash    shell executing /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt

df confirms that root and /usr are not umounted.

There doesn't seem to be any problem during the next bootup as no fsck is
run over a partition which 'hasn't been properly unmounted'.  But I have to
ask any guru out there, what could possibly be happening?

thanks in advance

Leo Cambilargiu


From: Leo Cambilargiu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ELF problem in Postgresql
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 22:00:33 -0200

Hello All:

I have tried to load a function written in C (an example in fact).  I
followed all directions as closely as I could.

I copied the function source from lynx to vim and saved.

ran: cc -fpic -I$PGROOT/include -c testcfunc.c
an object file testcfunc.o was created which I moved to postgres' user dir.

I created the function using CREATE FUNCTION trigf() returns OPAQUE as
'/home /pgsql/...testcfunc.o' language 'c'

This happens to be a trigger function so I created the trigger(s) that
would use the function.

When I perform an action (insert) which triggers the function I recieve
this error. "Unable to load ... ELF file's phentsize not the expected

Does anyone know what a phentsize is?

Does anyone know that the expected phentsize is supposed to be?

perfere newsgroups anyway but...

(I sent a message with "subscribe" in the body but nobody sends me any
mail. I guess I don't know how a mailing list works)


Leo Cambilargiu



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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