Linux-Misc Digest #485, Volume #26                Thu, 7 Dec 00 04:13:01 EST

  Re: Pop to imap to client? (Pat)
  KDE2.0.1 and ossl (James Blanford)
  dma options?  ie. mp3's skipping (Mark Andersen)
  Re: half newbie question (Pat)
  Can and Can't Boot from RH 6.2 CD-ROM (Wayne Watson)
  Re: Pop to imap to client? (David Reiss)
  Re: half newbie question ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Middle Button paste suddenly gone !?! (Kevin E Cosgrove)
  Re: MIME File Question ("John W. Krahn")
  amd k6 - signal 11 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Help with unix path in CGI script (Bharat)
  Re: Problems running ./configure (Johan De Wit)
  Can't install LILO because boot.b missing (nospam)
  Re: Kernel won't mount raid0 (solved) ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Another Sendmail Question ("Peter T. Breuer")
  newbie question:config chipset i810 video card ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Applixware 5 crashes Red Hat 7 ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Problems running ./configure - Please Help! ("Andy")


From: Pat <news**NO_SPAM**>
Subject: Re: Pop to imap to client?
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 05:31:53 GMT


Liquor wrote:

> (Or am I misunderstanding here - are the
> multiple 'folders' a function of Netscrape, not the server?)

No, the folder stuff is IMAP.  Telnet to your favorite imap 
server (port 143) and you can try this

$ telnet 143
 Connected to
 Escape character is '^]'.
 * OK IMAP4rev1 v12.666 server ready
tag1 login username p4ssw0rd
 tag1 OK LOGIN completed
tag2 select INBOX
 * 290 EXISTS
 * OK [UIDVALIDITY 949639672] UID validity status
 * FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Draft \Seen)
 * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS ()] Permanent flags
 * OK [UNSEEN 250] first unseen message in /var/spool/mail/username
 tag2 OK [READ-ONLY] SELECT completed
tag3 logout
 * BYE IMAP4rev1 server terminating connection
 tag3 OK LOGOUT completed

The thing to note is that you select the box (folder) before fetching
the mail.
> Ideally, the clients do NOT have real accounts on the mail server
> box (pop/imap only clients?) 

There's no need for users to have accounts, in fact I usually have
a "no login" account just for fetching mail - that way having the 
password stolen or sniffed means that only my email has been 
compromised, not the entire system. 

> and the mail-fetch script (only
> runs while ppp is up) would sort the mail according to some

I have used both the default imapd installed with Linux (UM, I think)
and cyrus imap.  I find that cyrus is worth the extra hassle of 
installing it because it has

        - many authentication schemes (through sasl)

        - fine grained access control that allows you to 
        easily create shared boxes (granting subscribe,
        read, post or delete priveleges on a per user
        basis) that can act as anything from a newsgroup
        to a restricted, read-only message board.

        - quotas on a per box or folder basis

        - messages in a box are not melted into a single
        huge "Berkeley" format file, making fetching a given
        email faster and helping incremental tape backups
        stay smaller (only the recent msgs are archived, not
        the large mailbox file).

        - pop3 daemon that uses the same message file formats

        - the ability to deliver to any subfolder

That last point seems directly relevant to your case. A small perl 
script could allow you fetch the mail from one or more locations, 
parse the messages and store them in the correct box or even 

I have used this to create a shared "devel" email address: mail 
sent with "RFC" or "BUG" or ... is automatically stored in the correct
subfolder (using the cyrus delivery agent with the -m switch).

Pat D.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (James Blanford)
Subject: KDE2.0.1 and ossl
Date: 7 Dec 2000 05:49:48 GMT

Howdy Folks,

When I downloaded the latest stable KDE2.0.1, there was a note warning 
against upgrading the ossl as it did not support the "hardest" 
encryption.  Well, when I got KDE2, it did have hard encryption builtin.
So, if I upgrade I loose the capability.

I think in the rush to get it on the net I accidently got the internal 
German version instead of the export version.  So, how do I keep hard 
encryption?  Is there a ssl patch available in the US?  I know there 
is a Fortify for netscape (windows) available from the aussies, but 
I don't want to use either windows or netscape.  I want 128 bit 
encryption running with Konqueror.


     -  jim


From: Mark Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: dma options?  ie. mp3's skipping
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 23:56:02 -0600

Question form the linux newbie.
I'm having the problem when I run xmms (or any other mp3 player), my
mp3's skip when I do any relatively small operation.  Example, maximize
a window, execute a find command while in my shell, start up any new
program.  I assume this has to do with the DMA with my hard drive seeing
how I'm running Mandrake 7.2 on a PIII 500Mhz with 256MB of ram.  Does
anyone know if this is really the problem or what the real problem is
and how to fix it.  I assume that DMA isn't setup right but how do I
change it?  Oh, and no one is logged in remotely either.  Thanks for the
help in advance.



From: Pat <news**NO_SPAM**>
Subject: Re: half newbie question
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 05:51:25 GMT


"A.Bev" wrote:
> Second about daemons.
> I'm searching for the config file of the program "Service" wich allows
> you to start,stop, status the different daemons wich are running. I'm
> trying to add a daemon for the Infrared Control but can't make it apear
> with Service. Generally speaking, were are the config files for daemons.

I don't know about Mandrake 7 specifically but you should find everything
There you'll see the scripts that do the starting and stopping. Now look
in  /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/
You'll find a bunch of soft links of the form SNNXXX and KNNXXX - the NN
are numbers and the XXX are names that match the names of the files the
links point to.

An SNNXXX file indicates that this service should Start upon entering the
runlevel (3 for the rc3.d dir) and the KNNXXX files stop the service. The
numbers determine the order in which things will occur.

Pat D


From: Wayne Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Can and Can't Boot from RH 6.2 CD-ROM
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 21:53:58 -0800

I've successfully been able to boot from my RH 6.2 CD-ROM and get into rescue mode on 
one computer
that contains DOS, NT 4.0 and Linux. On the other computer, which contains NT 4.0 
only, no such
luck. On the second computer, I've tried boot up parameters for CD-ROM as first 
choice, and second
choice disabled for boot, but it just goes right for the hard disk every time. Any 
ideas what I'm up
against? Very odd. I'm pretty sure if I use first choice as a floppy, it will try to 
boot from a
floppy. Very odd. Yes, the CD-ROM is in when I try the boot.

                         "You guys line up alphabetically by height."
                          -- Bill Peterson, a Florida State football coach

                                            Wayne T. Watson
                       Web Page: (Updated 6/21/2000)
                       Imaginarium Science Museum:


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Reiss)
Subject: Re: Pop to imap to client?
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 05:49:34 +0000 (UTC)

On Thu, 07 Dec 2000, Liquor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tossing this into CAL.questions didn't get an answer - so maybe
> this is more appropriate here.

I'm not sure, but I'll answer it anyway.

> Ok, I know little or nothing of *n*x mail handling daemons,
> and I don't want to learn the ins and outs of ALL of them....
> I am looking at doing a set up on a few home/training networks
> to allow mail to be shared between multiple clients.  It seems
> that setting up an IMAP server on the gateway RedHat linux 
> boxes is the most client independent method of doing this.

I do exactly this at home, and it works very well. (Using Redhat 6.1 and
the UW IMAP server.)

> I want to end up with stored mail functionality roughly 
> equivalent to the local Netscrape folders capability -(or M$ 
> exchange server with less hassle)- multiple 'folders' on the server
> for each user, and all available from any client that
> can handle imap.  (Or am I misunderstanding here - are the
> multiple 'folders' a function of Netscrape, not the server?)

This is a function of the IMAP protocol and server, though there are a
few complications you should be aware of: Using the default setup,
(unix-style mailboxes) you can't have a folder that contains both
messages and other folders. You can do this using the maildir format,
but if you're going to do that, you should probably look into the Cyrus
IMAP server, especially if you're concerned about performance.

> Ideally, the clients do NOT have real accounts on the mail server
> box (pop/imap only clients?) - and the mail-fetch script (only
> runs while ppp is up) would sort the mail according to some
> rules and drop it into the appropriate user's inboxes.

Well, they need passwords, mail spools, and a place to store their mail
folders (home directories). I'm not sure what you're definition of an
account is, but it seems pretty much impossible to have all those things
without a true account. What you can (and should) do is set the users'
shells to /bin/false or something equivalent so they can't log in.

> Security is not a significant consideration - the server would
> only be accessible to internal clients, with no access allowed
> through the firewall. Incoming mail would be fetched from the 
> ISP's POP3 server. Outgoing mail would be a direct (masqed)
> connection to the ISP's SMTP server.

Good, there have been exploits against holes in imapd in the past.
They've been fixed, but it's probably not the kind of thing you want to
run on an ultra-secure server.

> Of course, there's more than one way to do this. My thoughts
> are to just use the RedHat IMAP server with fetchmail. Is
> this sufficient to do the job? (And do I need to use 
> sendmail and/or procmail in there?)

fetchmail delivers mail to an MTA (like sendmail) by default. It is
possible to configure it to deliver directly to an MDA (like procmail),
which might be the best way to go in your case if you don't want to be
running a full MTA. You'll need some MDA either way you go. IIRC,
procmail is the default for Redhat, so it's probably best to just use

> Before I go off to RTFM (assuming I can find a suitable FM) 
> on these two packages, perhaps someone would have some 
> ideas or opinions on alternate servers or methods?

imapd + fetchmail is by far the easiest way to go, and works quite well
too (in my experience). I doubt you'll find a better tool than fetchmail
for downloading mail, though UW imapd leaves a bit to be desired (in
terms of customizability and performance). It's unbelievably simple to
set up, though, so you should start with that and switch if you find it
doesn't meet your needs.

--David Reiss


Subject: Re: half newbie question
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 06:12:23 GMT

linuxconf in Mandrake has the control services features now
blows the doors off redhat

On Wed, 06 Dec 2000 10:41:35 +0100, "A.Bev"

>I have some questions relative to my Mandrake 7.2, all answers are
>The first list is about sound :
>I have succesfully configured, and installed Alsa drivers for both
>Soundcards i have in my PC (a Guillemot Fortissimo, and a SB 16). I have
>succesfully changedmodules.conf. But here start the problems.
>Apparently my default sound card is the Fortissimo one. But i want it to
>be the SB. Were do i change it. The SOUND deamon loads Fortissimo, and
>also does KDE 1.99. Does anyone knows were are the config files for the
>Sound daemon and KDE ?
>Also i have noticed that the audio mixer doesn' save the configuration.
>Anyone knows were this file is so i can edit it by-hand.
>Second about daemons.
>I'm searching for the config file of the program "Service" wich allows
>you to start,stop, status the different daemons wich are running. I'm
>trying to add a daemon for the Infrared Control but can't make it apear
>with Service. Generally speaking, were are the config files for daemons.
>Third list :
>About Lirc. I'm trying to install it so i can use the infrared control
>of my hauppage TV card. It compiles well, and installs, but it seems
>like the char-major-61 isn't valid. (don't remember exactly the error
>sorry). Also when i run the script to uninstall the daemon, it fails so
>i think that  when i load the daemon it crashes in some kind.
>Last :
>It seems that XFdrake doesn't save the configuration file. I'm trying in
>vain to setup up my monitor and Graph card, but once i restart KDE it
>seems to ignore it.
>Thank you for having the patience of reading all this.
>Config :
>PIII 350
>128 Mb Ram
>Mandrake 7.2 with KDE 1.99
>Matrox G200
>SB 16, Guillemont Fortissimo
>Hauppage TV card
>of course mouse keyboard etc...


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kevin E Cosgrove)
Subject: Middle Button paste suddenly gone !?!
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 06:47:57 GMT

For the longest time the middle button of my mouse would paste
text into my current window, be it an Xterm, an editor, or
whatever.  Today this stopped working.  Say what?

Does anyone have any idea where to start looking for the cause of
this change?


Unless otherwise noted, the statements herein reflect my personal
opinions and not those of any organization with which I may be affiliated.


From: "John W. Krahn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: MIME File Question
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 07:08:31 GMT

Xar wrote:
> Does anyone know where I might find documentation on MIME file specs?

RFCs 2045 through 2049

> Reason: I am looking for some specs... so I can write some apps... that
> can take incoming mail traffic. Once taken apart it would scan the file
> attachments for binaries or other specified file types. It's basically
> going to filter out mail so SUEs don't keep opening up virus files.
> FPROT just isn't doing a good enough job.
> Any help would be much appreciated. If there is already some linux
> packages that do this I would be happy for their names and where I can
> find the RPMs and some info on them or just the names and I'll dig
> around.



Subject: amd k6 - signal 11
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 06:52:57 GMT

Well, my old machine has an amdk6 -233 and I get signal 11 when doing
cpu intensive ops (compiling gcc).  I look at the signall 11 faq/page.
My cpu doesn't match the serial number.  I yanked out the memory one at
a time and it still signals 11.  So I figure it must be cpu.  
However, I can't find any place that sells the k6-233 (which is the max
the Motherboard can handle).
  Any ideas?


From: Bharat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help with unix path in CGI script
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 07:30:06 -0000

Hi !
I am a newbie with website designing and have no professional 
knowledge......All trial and error.
I have just got myself a site at and have hosted my pages and 
want to use the cgi script everythingform.cgi but am having problems 
configuring the script with the path that is required.

Netfirms Script URL:

My site url is:

Cgi bin :

Now this is what I have to configure:

= "/usr/home/leif/public_html/conservatives/atheist/scripts/test/";
(this is from the cgi script - a sample)

If someone could help me i would be grateful so then i will be able to use 
my site more effectively

Thank You in advance

Posted via CNET


From: Johan De Wit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problems running ./configure
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 08:53:07 GMT

> >
> > locate pcap.h
> > /usr/include/pcap/pcap.h
> >
> > I'ts there!
> > what's going on?
> >
> > Can anybody help me please...
> >
> > Thanks in advance...
> >
> > Andy.

> Possibly it is looking for pcap.h in the wrong place. If you view the
> configure script, e.g., while in the proper directory:
> less < configure

> You could then search for pcap.h:
> /pcap[.]h

./configure looks in the /usr/include for the header file.
Your options ;
Other options beside chaning the configure files :

* Add /usr/include/pcap as an option to the configure command should be =

documented in the readme's)
* ln the file so it is found in /usr/include


Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 09:38:02 +0100
From: nospam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Can't install LILO because boot.b missing

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

In SuSE linux 7.0, I try to install LILO, but it claims that the file
/boot/boot.b is missing. I want to install LILO in the boot record of
the Linux partition, because I have a parallel installation of Windows
NT and want to use the NT bootmenu (as is described in the SuSE
handbook). However, I suspect that my problem is not related to this.

I tried a 'find', but there apparently is no 'boot.b' file in the Linux
file system (there is /boot directory, but no boot.b file in it).

I installed Linux with YaST, and everything else worked fine.


Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
In SuSE linux 7.0, I try to install LILO, but it claims that the file<font 
/boot/boot.b is missing</font>. I want to install LILO in the boot record
of the Linux partition, because I have a parallel installation of Windows
NT and want to use the NT bootmenu (as is described in the SuSE handbook).
However, I suspect that my problem is not related to this.
<p>I tried a 'find', but there apparently is no 'boot.b' file in the Linux
file system (there is /boot directory, but no boot.b file in it).
<p>I installed Linux with YaST, and everything else worked fine.



From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Kernel won't mount raid0 (solved)
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 09:23:54 +0100

In comp.os.linux.misc Stephan A Suerken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> No speed increase on / as it is cached. It only contains libraries
>> (cached) and utilities needed at boot (not needed after boot).

>  That's basically not true. On most linux based systems, there are a
> lot of binaries in the traditional root fs (i.e. in /bin and /sbin)
> that are heavily used, not only on bootup. If they are chached or not

I can't think of any offhand ... oh yes, shells. The rest is admin

  lm008:/bin% ls
  arch   dd             fdflush   login    netstat        run-parts    tcsh
  bash   df             fgrep     ls       nisdomainname  sash         tempfile
  cat    dir            fuser     lshells  pidof          sed          touch
  chgrp  dmesg          grep      mkdir    ping           setserial    true
  chmod  dnsdomainname  gunzip    mknod    ping6          sh           umount
  chown  domainname     gzip      mktemp   ps             sleep        uname
  cp     echo           hostname  more     pwd            stty         uncompress
  cpio   ed             kill      mount    rbash          su           vdir
  csh    egrep          ln        mt       rm             sync         ypdomainname
  date   false          loadkeys  mv       rmdir          tar          zcat

cat, cp, mv, grep, touch, sleep will also be used continuously by
systems scripts.

> is just a question of what you "do" with your machine.

>  No, I stripe "/". This of course includes /usr (and /home and ....).

Well, it shouldn't (;-).

>> /usr has advantages. But you lose heavily in robustness by striping

>  Well sort of. However, my raid arrays until now NEVER failed on
> me. Secondly, I have a recovery plan that does not at all depend on a
> traditional small functioning root fs.

>> /! And you only gain in speed if you stripe over two controllers.

>  According to the raid documents, you are likely to gain speed as soon
> as you have two partitions on two different hds. Different controllers

You may be likely to, but you won't. IDE controllers have a queue
length of 1 (pauses for thought .. that's better than 0!). But they can't
send commands to two different disks simultaneously.

> are the of course real thing, though ;).

That's what you need. Even then you will get at most a 30% speedup
(I've measured).

>  Resizing, btw, afaik IS (or will be) possible with the new style
> raidtools, and it should be made easy using "lvm". I have not tried
> that, though.

I have. It was incomprehensible.

>  So now, all questions striped!



From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.mail.sendmail,comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Another Sendmail Question
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 09:31:46 +0100

In comp.os.linux.misc Lamar Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> In comp.os.linux.misc Lamar Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > re-formatted two more times with the same results.  Sendmail loads fine with
>> > no errors [OK]. It just will not receive e-mail.  Any ideas?  Thanks for any
>> Configure it. It needs at least to know your host name and domainname
>> as well as to BE RUNNING. If you do not understand what those two words
>> mean, I strongly suggest you ask yourself before you ask me!
> I know what a host name and domain name are, but WHERE do I configure them
> in RH Linux 6.2 and what is the syntax?  I used the "Linuxconf" utility to

That's between you and RH 6.2. I presume it comes with a setup tool!
If you want to do it by hand, edit /etc/HOSTNAME and /etc/hosts. Then
run hostname `cat /etc/HOSTNAME`. And if RH don't use that file, use
whatever one they do use ... something under /etc/sysconfig/ probably.

> set the host name and domain name for the system.  Is there some place that

That's all you have to do.  Mind you, RH gets this wrong by default as
far as I have seen, adding them as aliases for localhost and leaving
them that way when you later add a NIC.

> I need to set it for sendmail?

In sendmail's configuration file. But if the system hostname and
domainname is setup correctly, it won't be necessary. So what does
"hostname -f" tell you?

Is sendmail RUNNING? Type "pstree" and look.



Subject: newbie question:config chipset i810 video card
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 08:49:40 GMT

Hi all

My computer' vedio card is intel i810 chipset and RedHat ditro is
2.2.12. Now I have got rpm package for i810 vedio chipset from Intel
website, and use rpm command with -i switch to install this package,
but i donnot know how to do in next step.
I think after above steps the XConfig utility should have the selection
item for installing i810 vedio card, unfortunately it doesnot has.
So I think I should rebuild kernel, then I downloaded the corresponding
source code from Intel website, this time I even could not install the
source code package to my linux, because the name of the rpm package
for source code was in a pair of quotation marks. the rpm command
seemed do nothing.
Maybe this question is easy to you, however I am a newbie, hope your
suggestion sincerely.

Thanks in advance.


Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Applixware 5 crashes Red Hat 7
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 09:41:24 +0100

>>>>>> "C.Wong" == D Stimits <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: C.Wong> Christopher Wong 
>>>  This is most unnerving. I recently installed Applixware Office
> C.Wong> Redhat 7 is in some places binary incompatible with other
> C.Wong> distributions.  You might ask the Applix people if they
> C.Wong> have RH 7 binaries.

> A "binary incompatibility" _should_ mean that the application crashes,
> complaining about the load format being incompatible.

It can do other things, depending on the nature of the incompatibility.

Most every executable I compile with gcc 2.8.1 won't run when
moved to RH 7. Even simple things. It just sits there. that's aside
from libc5/libc6 issues. gcc 2.9.5 is more compatible, but it's easy
to produce strange results.

> And the issue is in the wrong direction for it to represent the cause;
> I would expect RH7 to include libraries to allow it to run "foreign"
> binaries; the issue is not that RH7 can't run "foreign" stuff, but
> rather that binaries generated on RH7, using "GCC 2.96" won't play
> well _elsewhere_.

And the reverse (of course). It's not purely a linking issue, except
insamuch as you have to link to some libraries to see the effect.

> The symptoms seem a whole lot more consistent with there being a
> problem with the X server.




From: "Andy" <andy_bloomfield@***antispam***h*o*t*m*a*i*>
Subject: Problems running ./configure - Please Help!
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 09:05:52 -0000

I'm bored with trying things now...

I am trying to compile some software which needed the libpcap package. I
installed libpcap-0.4-29.i386.rpm and tried again.
The configure script nearly ran all the way through until:

checking for pcap_dump in -lpcap... yes
checking for pthread_create in -lpthread... yes
checking for pcap.h... no
configure: error: Test for pcap.h failed.

but I've just installed the libpcap package which provides pcap.h and even
run ldconfig to make sure.
Ok so I'll try:

locate pcap.h

I'ts there!

what's going on?

Can anybody help me please...

Thanks in advance...




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