DOS 7.10? I guess that's one of those "M$-hidden-under-Windoze-DOS" versions? It gets confusing, since M$ used 7.x for those, while there is also an IBM PC-DOS 7.0 which is a "real" DOS and that's the one I always think of when DOS 7 is mentioned. That one is my favorite, I still have copies around, especially in the form of quick-boot utility diskettes. I guess one reason I like it is because I got it LEGALLY for free - a reward for participating in the Beta test. (Then again, those who know me know I will go to great lengths to avoid using ANY Micro$quish products.)

Jim Hartley

Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

I agree with Jim Hartley.  This is pretty much a nonissue.  Dos isn't
even supported by M$ any more as far as I know, and I've never heard of
any case where M$ has gone after an individual for such a thing in the
past anyway.  Their only concern are large scale pirates selling on the
black market or corporations doing *current* release software on a
significant basis.  They pretty much leave the individuals alone.

And I don't think anyone will ever mistake this place as a site for
swapping of illegal software.  This isn't anywhere near that class and
to suggest that it might be is kind of edging over into the pinhead

On another note, if I was going to share a copy of Dos it would be
version 7.10 because of it's superior memory management and stability. 7.10 was partially a response in 98 to gamer's claims of
incompatibilities in winblows with some of the more sophisticated Dos
games like Elder Scrolls Arena, Duke Nukem 3d and others. It was the
last best version of Dos.

On Sat, 2003-07-05 at 10:53, Ged Haywood wrote:

Hi there,

On Sat, 5 Jul 2003, Jim Hartley wrote:

I think this one is WAY, WAY under the radar.

I'd agree if this weren't a public mailing list.

I'm more concerned with the reputation of the list.  If it earns a
reputation as a place for swapping pirate copies of software, that
might not be a Good Thing.

There has to be a way for the guy to get what he wants done without
broadcasting a technical infringement of a copyright owned by a ten
billion dollar potential adversary.



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