Hi theere,

On Sun, 6 Jul 2003, Jochen Reinwand wrote:

> The latest and best MS-DOS is as far as I know the DOS included in Windoze 
> 98SE. The One from ME is much smaller and misses a lot of tools. Although it 
> is really there, no matter what M$ says...

I have an app for my business that's been running under DOS for about
20 years.  I'm (still) working on porting it to Linux because it's
getting close to the point where MSDOS6.22 won't be able to cope with
the size of disc partitions I'm going to need.  I've tried using the
W98 DOS to run this app, but it failed miserably every time and I
don't know why.  I haven't spent much time looking for the reasons but
it looks like the memory management - there are several versions of
EMM386.SYS and HIMEM.SYS with are supplied with the various flavours
of DOS and I haven't worked out what combinations are OK and what not.

Are you saying that the W98 DOS will allow me to use bigger discs?
If so then I'm very interested indeed.  My understanding is that even
with the W98 VFAT you can still only go up to about 8G, is that right?
It would be nice to know - although it's OK for my app, I'll be long
dead before we use that much for our product file... :(

> I once installed 98SE and stripped of all Windows parts. After a few very easy 
> tricks (e.g. add/change some lines to/in msdos.sys)

Tell us more!

> Perhaps it would be a good idea to build an MS-DOS distribution with that 
> version. Don't get it wrong! I'm not talking about illegal copies. [snip]
> Anybody interested in such an distribution?

Very much so.  It could give me a breathing space I think I might need.


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