Hi Bart, Stas,

On Thu, 30 Oct 2003, Ged Haywood wrote:

> I'll try CVS next.

Congratulations!  Works fine with CVS.
I've been trying to compile this app under DOSEMU literally for years.
Finally it's done.  Thanks guys.  Great stuff, now I can throw a DOS
box away (well, turn it into a firewall or something:).

Here's the app compiled and zipped this morning under DOSEMU:
C:\SOS>pu -v sosppx4

PKUNZIP (R)    FAST!    Extract Utility    Version 2.04g  02-01-93
Copr. 1989-1993 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. Registered version
PKUNZIP Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off.

= 80486 CPU detected.
= XMS version 3.00 detected.
= DPMI verrsion 0.90 detected.

Searching ZIP: SOSPPX4.ZIP

 Length  Method   Size  Ratio   Date    Time    CRC-32  Attr  Name
 ------  ------   ----- -----   ----    ----   -------- ----  ----
 583545  DeflatN 273217  54%  10-31-03  14:00  a1598864 --w-  SOSPPX4.EXE
 ------          ------  ---                                  -------
 583545          273217  54%                                        1
and here's one I prepared earlier:

hurricane:$ >>> unzip -lv /mnt/hdb2/sos-source/sos-4.4260/sosppx4.zip 
Archive:  sosppx4.zip
 Length   Method    Size  Ratio   Date   Time   CRC-32    Name
--------  ------  ------- -----   ----   ----   ------    ----
  583545  Defl:N   273217  53%  12-03-02 21:34  a1598864  sosppx4.exe
--------  ------  ------- -----   ----   ----   ------    ----
  583545           273217  53%                            1 file

A couple of comments:

1. There's something different about the memory allocation under DOSEMU.
   For the first pass of the Zortech C++ compiler to run without a stack
   fault when running under DOSEMU, I had to add a command line parameter
   to increase the default stack size (16384 bytes) substantially.  Using
   34148 bytes was enough, 34146 bytes wasn't.  Never had to do that under
   the same version of DOS (6.22) running natively.  This seems to me to be
   a surprisingly big difference and I wonder if it means something to you.
   If you want more information can investigate more easily when I'm back
   in England where the DOS box is.  At present I'm doing all this remotely
   from France (which is why I'm doing it at all:) and I can't talk to it.

2. I gave you the full output of the pkunzip command above to show that
   it says "80486 CPU detected" when in fact it's running on a 686 with
   the dosemu.conf '$_cpu' variable set to "80586".  I don't know whether
   pkunzip 2.04g is capable of recognizing a 586 so it might mean nothing.

If there's anything else you'd like me to try out on dosemu
while I have it running on Athlon/VIA/kernel 2.6.0 please let me know.

I've deleted bug number 832665.


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