another way is to create a network boot disk and run it off the samba 

On Wed, 7 Jan 2004, Eric Becker wrote:

> I'm trying to setup dosemu so that I can run the dos multicast server
> from ghost. I'm actually using the supplied freedos instead of msdos. 
> In my /etc/dosemu/dosemu.conf
> $_pktdriver = (on)
> $_netdev = "tap0"
> $_vnet = "tap"
> If I do an lsmod I can see that tun is loaded.  I assume I need to be
> loading some kind of dos network driver in freedos???  I can't seem to
> get the networking to function properly.  Anyway, here's my
> results....any help would be appreciated.
> C:\IMAGES\GHOST75>dosghsrv.exe c:\images\common.gho test
> Symantec GhostCast Server for DOS V7.5.0.335 (c) Symantec Corporation
> Now listening for clients asking for session <test>...
>   >>> Press any key to stop accepting clients and start transmission.
> <<<
> RMLStartup failed: Network is down.
> -
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