At 07:33 AM 1/23/2004 +0100, pa3gcu wrote:
On Friday 23 January 2004 05:04, Beolach wrote:
> chuck wrote:
> > [snip]
> >
> >  OBTW, when I
> >
> > ping -I eth0
> > ping: bad interface address 'eth0'
> >
> >  is what I get.  I do have an eth0 device.     :-|
> The -I option doesn't take an interface name (ie eth0), but rather the
> IP address (ie assigned to the interface.

Get your facts right, it does take an interface name as option.
>From the manual page of ping;

-I interface address
Set source address to specified interface address. Argument may be numeric IP
address or name of  device.  When pinging IPv6 link-local address this option
is required.

When this sort of disagreement pops up, it is helpful to remember that many "standard" Unix/Linux programs actually exist in multiple versions, even with up-to-date distros. In this instance, for example, my ping app (on a fairly current Debian-Sid system) behaves as Beolach's version does, not as Richard's does. For example:

        [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ping -I eth0 celine
        bad interface address 'eth0'
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ping -I  celine
        PING celine.comarre ( 56 data bytes
        64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=254 time=798.5 ms
        64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=254 time=0.7 ms

(And my version of "the" man page for ping doesn't even mention the -I flag.)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/# ping -I eth0
PING ( from eth0: 56(84) bytes of
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=0.151 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=0.148 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=0.153 ms

Now if i try that from my router then i get the same as Chuck gets, why it is
i dont know and to be honest i dont really care as i do not see the point in
using the -l option in this case period.

I want to second this final comment. Using tricky tests is always worse than using straightforward ones, and this is, at best, a tricky test of routing capabilities. I don't know how to interpret successes or failures, and I've seen no indication in this discussion that anyone else here does either. OTOH, testing whether a router actually routes by trying to connect an actual, distinct host through it is a familiar exercise, with known, interpretable failure bahaviors.

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