
You should be able to restore the original Win95 MBR (master boot
record)...assuming you installed Win95 first, by booting to DOS and typing:

fdisk /mbr

Also, you might want to check out the Loadlin+Win95 mini Howto:

It covers dual booting between Linux and Win95 without using LILO. You use
Loadlin...a DOS based utility that loads Linux.


Chris Fischer

Chris Grant wrote:

> Could someone tell me how to  uninstall LILO, or install the Win95/DOS
> boot loader? I have Win95 and Linux running on the same box, and ever
> since I installed Linux, Windows has been running really strangely.  The
> screen will often freeze and nothing will happen for a long time, all
> I'll be able to do is move the mouse. Ctrl-Alt-Del only works sometimes,
> and when it does, it takes a long time for the window to come up. Since
> this problem started when I installed Linux, and LILO is the only thing
> that even remotely interacts with Windows, I figured that must be the
> problem. My lilo.conf stanza for Windows looks like this:
> other = /dev/hda1
>     table = /dev/hda
>     label = msdos
> It's also the first stanza, so it loads automatically. Linux boots fine
> when I select it, so I doubt it's stanza is relevant. Thanks for any
> help or suggestions.
> Chris
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