Jeff Higgins spake, saying:
% Hi everyone,
% This is my first post here, so be gentle. I'm INCREDIBLY hopeless when it
% comes to Linux (hopefully not for long :). I'm running Redhat 5.0 under a
% P200MMX with 96MB RAM.
% Here's the problem: I downloaded a program called "X-ISP". It came in .tar
% format. When I used the command "tar" with the "-x" or "--extract"
% settings, it just sat there. This is what I was typing:
% tar --extract xisp_5p9_tar.tar

Close, but you also have to use the "f" option to tell tar to read its
input from a file rather than, as you have indicated, stdin. Thus
  tar xvf <some_tar_file>
The "v" option tells tar to be verbose and report what it's doing.

% After I typed this, it just sat there. Nothing happened. I ended up
% ctrl-c'ing it so I could do something again. I tried this multiple

Because it was waiting for you to type something that it could read
from stdin :-)

% times, to no avail.  So... any idea what's going on? Better question:
% What am >I< doing wrong? Are there any alternitaves to "tar"?
% Thanks in advance.
% Jeff Higgins
% "Randomness is a useful shorthand 
% for describing a pattern that's bigger
% than anything we can hold in our minds."

"Beware of Greeks bearing gifts." - Citizens of Troy

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