I don't know about the Evergreen upgrade but the chip it is based on (AMD 5X86-133)
works fine with Linux. If you have no other problems then it should work but no
guarantees on that.

Dane Helm wrote:

> anybody use a processor overdrive(?).  I ordered a Evergreen Tech.
> (ww.evertech.com to get more info) thing.   It uses an amd 133mhz chip and
> upgrades your 486 to a pentium 133 (only p100 on mine...) I was wondering
> if they ever caused problems with linux
> Also, I want an office suit for linux, are there any?  Atleast a word
> proccessor, WYSIWYG. like WordPerfect would be nice.
> Dane Helm            [EMAIL PROTECTED]           Bremerton, WA
> ===============================================================================
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