n Sun, 27 Sep 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have two hard drives with Window$ on the first one, Red Hat
> 5.1 on the second. I want to boot to Linux with loadlin instead of a
> floppy, but I can't figure out how to put a kernel (vmlinuz) on my
> root DOS directory. I have read all the docs on this and I thought I
> was doing everything right, but still no luck. Win/DOS will not read
> a Linux floppy, and I can't seem to mount my DOS drive (hda).
If your /etc/fstab (that's where it is in Slackware) has a line
/dev/hda1 /dosc msdos defaults 1 1
and the /dosc directory exists, then the dos file system should be
mounted automatically at boot time. The '1' in hda1 refers to the
partition number and should be whatever is appropriate.
Good Luck,
Gordon A. Gallup Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Lincoln, NE 68588-0111
Voice: (402)472-1230 FAX: (402)472-2879