> I have a pc I am trying to dual boot with NT and RH Linux 5.1.  I was able to
> install the NT on the primary partition and have it up and running on the
> network.  I have successfully installed the RH 5.1 from CDROM onto the system.
> Now comes the tricky part which I have not been able to successfully complete.
> In the MINI-HOWTO for LINUX-NT, the instructions state that I should "specify
> the Linux-root-partition as the boot device."  This doc proceeds to suggest that
> it may work and it may not.  I have gotten past that.  The part that is
> complicated is booting into Linux.  NT is not very forgiving when messing with
> the boot.ini and therefore one must be correct in the information that is passed
> in the system.  The WinNT partition is NTFS.
> I need to be able to build a bootable LINUX floppy disk that will allow me to
> boot to the second partition where Linux is so that I may retrieve the vmlinuz
> (kernel) and place it on the first partition so that the boot.ini may access it.
>  The answer for instructions on building the Loadlin did not work for me.
> I formatted a floppy disk (1.44) with fat16 and copied a vmlinuz off the
> distribution cdrom that I used to install the Linux on this machine.  When I
> booted with the floppy in the drive, the result was:
There is a boot disk HOWTO (check Sunsite), or what I use is a Slackware
boot disk (look
At the boot prompt type in mount root=/dev/hda2 (or whatever), this will
boot Slackware, RedHat, anything I've tried. I would definatly suggest
using the NT boot-loader (yes I'm sure System Commander works but this
is free!). Here's a copy of my boot.ini;

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
c:\="Microsoft Windows95"
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(1)partition(1)\WINNT="Windows NT Server Version
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(1)partition(1)\WINNT="Windows NT Server Version
4.00 [VGA mode]" /basevideo /sos
c:\red.lnx="RedHat Linux"

Notice it boots up win95 by default (the only thing my wife will touch).
Here's a script I wrote that I need to run called "newkernel" every time
I re-compile my kernel;

dd if=/dev/hda2 of=/dos/red.lnx bs=512 count=1

Actually I've since changed this to add all the commands for
re-compiling the kernel, but I don't have access to it right now.

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