
        Its quite obvious from your question that you havent understood
how X-windows functions.

        Yes, X-windows provides graphics. But this way of viewing it
doesnt really help (even though it is perfectly correct). A better way of
viewing it would be to think of it as a networking protocol that allows
the transfer of graphics primitives.

        What does the X-server do? Simple. It controls the graphic output
device on a machine and accepts the graphics primitives (commands) from an
X-client and draws on the graphic device (screen) appropriately. Suppose
the X-client says 'draw a line', the command is sent (via the networking
protocol) to the X-server and the X-server then draws the line on the

        What is the X-client? Simply put, it is the program which you are
trying to execute.

        You are working at a machine A, and have telnetted into machine B.
For the graphic output of the X-client (which is running on machine B) to
appear on machine A, machine A must (1) be running an X-server (2) must
have communication established between the X-client on machine B and the
X-server on machine A. This must be explicitly setup. The default for any
X-client is to communicate with the X-server on the current machine.

        Thus, in your case, when you execute your program, by default, it
will display its output on the screen of your Linux box. And that is what
you are seeing.

        How can you fix this? Well, you have to run an X-server on your
Win95 box. I know that such programs are available, but I myself cant
point out any to you.

        The second step is making your X-client talk to the X-server that
you will have setup on your Win95 box. For this, you will have to change
the value of the environment variable DISPLAY. The value of this variable
takes on the form DISPLAY=<hostname>:<screen number> . If omitted, the
default hostname is the current host. You will have to change it to the
hostname of your Win95 box. So once you have telnetted in, you need to do
a 'export DISPLAY=<Win95 hostname>:0'.

        Oh, and one last detail. You will need to use the 'xhost' command
on your Win95 box to allow access for the Linux box client to draw on the
Win95 server.

Kenneth (who learnt all of this the hard way)  

There is no such thing as luck. 'Luck' is nothing but an absence of bad luck.

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