
        My tone was not derogatory. My apologies if it seemed that way.
Once in a while I feel the urge to lecture.

        Anyway, I cant think of an offhand solution to your problem. The
best I can come up with is to change the file permissions on the 'startx'
script so that nobody but root can run X. Without an X-server running,
none of the x-client programs will work.

        The caveat here is that 'root' can start up the X server, and then
others who telnet in can then set their DISPLAY variable to that of root's
screen. Then any X client program that they run will indeed be displayed
on root's screen. But this is such an unlikely situation...


There is no such thing as luck. 'Luck' is nothing but an absence of bad luck.

On Sun, 6 Dec 1998, Duncan L.Strang wrote:

> Well
> >     Its quite obvious from your question that you havent understood
> > how X-windows functions.
> Spot on Kenneth... This IS the newbie list isn't it?
> > 
> >     Yes, X-windows provides graphics. But this way of viewing it
> > doesnt really help (even though it is perfectly correct). A better way of
> > viewing it would be to think of it as a networking protocol that allows
> > the transfer of graphics primitives.
> hmm, well my question was actually more concerned with how I stop 
> users running startx when they are logged into the linux box, I don't 
> want to provide a graphical interface to an account via Win PC 
> telnet, I just want to allow telnet access for Pine, g++ etc.
> Do you know how to configure telnet ?
> Or at least redirect the output from 'the transfer of graphics 
> primitives' away from the consol screen.
> e.g -> /dev/null for example.
> What I don't want is a window to an account opening on the Linux box.
> Cheers
> Duncan.

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