On Thu, 3 Dec 1998, Alvaro M. Piffaretti wrote:

> Hi all,
> Everything I have read about states that core dumps files should be
> core.prgfile where prgfile, after the dot would be the program that
> caused the segmentation fault.
> Well, I have two slackware installations (3.1 and 3.4) and kernels
> 2.0.30 and 2.0.34, but in both of them when I get a core dump
> the filename is just 'core'.

This is correct.  core files (in linux, possibly not in other OSs) are
called 'core' and there is no easy way to change this behaviour.

> The same for faulty programs written in C.
> Now I am troubleshooting a core dump that I guess is from a KDE
> component, and that feature could help me.
> Does anyone know if there is an env. var or something like that
> that could be responsible for that ?
There isn't.

However, if you run 'gdb core' it will tell you what program generated the
core file.



Now I lay me back to sleep.
The speaker's dull; the subject's deep.
If he should stop before I wake,
Give me a nudge for goodness' sake.
                -- Anonymous

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