Ray Olszewski wrote:
> It would help to know (a) the exact wording of the error messages and (b)
> what runlevel you normally boot into (text consoles or xdm). Also, can you
> boot into single-user mode?

a. Trying to umount old root......okay
   Unable to open an original console

b. I boot into the text consoles.
> If you can boot with an "emergency boot" disk (by which I mean one that
> loads a kernel but uses your hard disk Linux partition as the root
> filesystem; I forget what RH calls them), I'd check the two likely sources
> of the problem:

First time I have heard of such a disk, checked the docs and it has the
I had a rescue disk, that loaded the filesystem of the floppy so I had
to mount the partitions. This leads to another question should I mount
the partitions with the same point originally used? i.e.. should I mount
the root HD partition over the floppy root partition.

> 1. Is /etc/inittab corrupted?
no it seems just fine, it is a bit long to mail but if memory serves me
it contains all it should.

> 2. Are the /dev/tty* files that the consoles attach to okay?

they are all there 
from tty0 onward, the only point to note is that tty1-6 have the date of
the problem. I think that is standard though.

in short the /dev directory looks like this, there are more files.

crw------- 10 0 4, 0 May 5 1998 console
crw------- 1 500 100 4, 0 May 5 1998 tty0
crw----w--- 1 500 5 4, 1 Feb 5 21:08 tty1

this seemed quite proper to me.

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