Many people have said that Linux should only be used by people who 
really like computers and want to know how they work, which I don't 
think is true. Although I don't know a ton about computers, I would say 
I do know a fair amount.  I also think that it would be difficult for 
someone with less knowledge than me to install Linux, as it wasn't easy 
for me. However, Linux could become the operating system of choice for 
casual users as well if it could be made more usable.  I'm not saying 
that it should be entirely simplified, because I (and many others I'm 
sure) love learning about the guts of my computer. But somebody should 
make a windowmanager or something that doesn't necesarily look like 
Win95, but is very simple to use and can configure automatically (or at 
least graphically) many of the system files that many users don't care 


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