According to Joseph Spacone: While burning my CPU.
> Okay, I wasn't precise enough....I DO have it as "linux-newbie,"
> NOT "Linux-Newbie.  I just typed it wrong in my posting.  My mistake, and
> most humble apologies.  And you're right, it's "To" and "Cc:" and not "TO"
> and "CC:"  Again, I DO have it correct in Outlook, I just mistyped it here.
> Okay, enough of that.

Thats one thing which "*nix" systems its "presiscion" about 'syntax', mistype
it with upper-case instead of lower, results in;  "command not found".
Now when you tell us you are looking for Linux-Newbie when it is linux-newbie
then how do we know that you realy mean "linux-newbie".

As to what Outlook looks for i have no idea and realy does not bother me at
all, what you choose to use is of no concern to me, or anyone else for that
matter, it only brings about the question of, why as to a DOS question on a
"linux" list.
If you are wachting this list for hints and tips about using linux because
you are thinking about installing linux on your system then, just install
linux and decide for yourself which operating system is the best, 99% of
subscribers to this list will all tell you the same answer, need i say more.

> Now, check this out.  See the address right below here?  It says
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]"  That's what was screwing me up.  However, I

I cant see whay it should screw anything up, its a "perfectly legal" Email
address altho' many of you will not even know what "" is.

> have deleted everything after the "@," and now it's working great.  And BTW,

That is the thing to do, include "linux-newbie" and leave out address
seperators, after all the group is called "linux-newbie" not

> I have TWO rules: one rule sorts on the To field, and the other one sorts on
> the Cc: field.

Regards Richard.

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