        I am new to Linux, and new at this mailing list thing, I
hope that I have subscribed to the correct list. I am not sure from the
posts I have received so far, if this is the most basic of the lists,
and, if it isn't just say so and I'll be gone.

I have installed Slackware 3.6 on my home machine, and have it connected 
to my windoze machine. I have PPP, Ipmasquerading, and Samba working, more
or less I think. I have read the Print2Win, Linux printing, and related
HOWTO's, that I have found. I have an HP540 connected to my windoze,
running win95, and I am trying to get my Linux to print to that printer.
As far as I had managed, (and screwed up as well, ) is to add the lines
from the HOWTO to my smb.conf, and printcap. I am in the process of trying
to remove all that I had changed, to get a fresh start.

Since the lines in the HOWTO, appear to be specific to a different printer
setup, and I don't know what to change. Probably, if I could find an
archive somewhere, the answer would be there, since this seems to be a
common thing to want to do, but I haven't found what I need yet. 

So, does someone have some direction on where to find the answer, or a
basic point to start at? It seems that someone else had done this before.

Thanks in advance, if this problem is not too trivial for this list.

Ernie Butka
The waduck

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