On Sun, 16 May 1999, abjin wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a problem with X-Windows, when I open any program in X-Windows
> say, Netscape Navigator, I cannot see the bottom portion of the program
> i.e. if Netscape Navigator the status bar, it will be under the task-bar
> even if I make it full screen.

Try using a different resolution for your screen. To do this press
CTRL-ALT-+ or CTRL-ALT--(minus).
> Second problem I have is the icon at the bottom right corner of the
> screen, which shows all the 8 screens, it always comes on top and I
> cannot use my scroll bar. Is there any way to remove this temporarily

It is supposed to do this so that you can change between your screens
easily. However you can disable it but it depends on which window manager
you are using. For instance if you use fvwm2, like me (doesn't look like
you do, though) you have to edit your .fvwm2rc file (or
/etc/X11/system.fvwm2rc) and change the line:
"style "FvwmPager" StaysOnTop, NoHandles"
by removing the word "StaysOnTop".

Good luck,

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