On Tue, 25 May 1999, JF wrote:
> That brings up a question about dial-up networking. Is there such a
> thing as dial-up networking in linux such as I've been using in NT? I
> have a script there that dials in, logs on, maps drives, downloads
> stuff, logs off. Can I do that in linux too?  IOW, rather than using
> telnet can I log in and mount remote drives over a dial-up connection?
> And where will I read about it?

Hehehe... You'll need to take a trip to the Linux Documentation Project:


And check out the docs there.  I believe you'll be looking for something
called Samba that will do that (the drive mapping stuff).  The dialup
stuff depends on your distribution.

> > I didn't do anything to procmail and changed one line in
> > /etc/sendmail.cf on my system.  I'm working fine -- I didn't even read
> > FAQs on the stuff, I just asked the local LUG for what to change for
> > the one thing and they told me.  I usually don't read FAQs for little
> > things. ;)
> You got off easy! <s>  But can you bake a cake with procmail?!?

LOL... No.  ;)

> > I'm the kinda guy that knows something only after he's done it.  I may
> > read something, but if I don't do it, then I'll NEVER remember how to do
> > it right.  For example, I've now compiled the kernel to Linux (God knows
> > how many of them!).  I've set up the vesafb driver and the XF86_FBDev
> > drivers for video cards.  I've done ALL sorts of stuff.  Fun, fun, fun,
> > and now I can know how they work :).
> Yep -- gotta apply the data or it goes out the other ear.

Exactly.  That's why I typically don't read something before I do it.
I'll never remember.  I will only learn something if it is relevant to
something that I'm doing -- then I'll remember it (for the most part)
Michael B. Trausch
President of Linux Operations, ADK Computers
ADK Computers, Walbridge Office              E-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the
courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of
the people I had to kill because they pissed me off - Anon.

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