> Currently I'm running two cable modems, an expense I'd prefer not to have. I
> started playing with Linux and learning it so I can setup a gateway for my
> Windows 98 machine and any other machines that I may add on in the future,
> all through one cable modem. I'm running Kernel 2.2.9 on RedHat 5.2 and have
> yet to have any luck getting the IP Masquerading to work properly. I don't
> know if it has something to do with the IPMasq modules (on bootup they it
> loads the modules but appends : unresolves symbol(s) on the end of the
> loading sequence). I've tried all types of IPChains scripts, even one done
> by another MediaOne RoadRunner customer. I dunno if I'm doing it wrong or
> what. Anywho, could someone direct me to a good explanation of how to set it
> up, or perhaps an alternative similar to NAT for Windows? Thanks..
Lawson explaned about redhat 5.2 making a symbolic link to the preferred
directory, if my memory serves me correct 5.2 does not link or do anthing in
the way of the System.map. The unresolved symbols usaly are the result of
modprobe/insmod looking into the wrong System.map.
One way around this is to delete de symbolic link in /boot to
System.map-2.x.x-xx the old link (if it is there) and link it to the one
which was created by the kernel compile of your presant kernel.
cd /boot
rm System.map # Make sure its a symlink first, if not do;
mv System.map System.map.OLD
ln -s /usr/src/linux/System.map System.map
depmod -a /lib/modules/`uname -r`
Now try to load the module using modprobe giving the absolute path to the
There is of course no garante that the above will work.
> Shane
Regards Richard.