i'm running slack 4.0, have been for about a month now... on a p200 (mmx,
as if that makes a diff), 64 megs of ram, and a somewhat sturdy usr
external modem
here's the problem... i was running window maker, alone, with a few apps
open... was online, had maybe two netscape window's open, and a couple
rxvt's... i started up licq, which had been running well for about a week
or so, and then 'asked' it to go online... i then tried to access the main
menu (still in licq), and everything locked up... the mouse was still able
to move around, as if nothing went wrong... but i was not able to ctrl
alt backspace the x server down, wasn't able to shut any app down, nor
could i reboot the machine (safely) with ctrl alt del... nothing
resopended.. i waited about two minutes, then had to hard reset the
when i got back, i lost about forty megs in hd corruption, and it took out
a fair amount of apps in /sbin... at that point, i wasn't about to mess
around with a config like that, so i backed up, formatted, and
reinstalled, from step one.. which is where i am now
what i'd like to know is, what could have caused it to lockup that badly?
problem with licq, or was that a coincidence? something with x perhaps
? i'm not looking forward to repeating the event, so any insight would be
-- moss