> The issue of technical support came up when they installed a new DNS
> that drops connections and runs about 3K, forcing me to use an old 33K
> line to get anything done. PSI immediately wants me to reconfigure my
> system to cope with their new name server, and when I say I'm nunnig
> linux they say they can't help me.

If they won't help you, help yourself.  Run your own nameserver.  Then
just point /etc/resolv.conf to localhost and use a reliable
forwarder.  You can use any ISP's forwarding IP's you want to. 

It's probably not that easy to set up, but a few thorough reads
through bind's man page and the DNS-HOWTO should get you through.

The advantage is that you never have to worry about which ISP you are
using in regards to configuring for their nameserver.  Also, it's
possible to have your nameserver more current and up to date than
theirs.  And it can make things a little quicker for you.

> Is there a list of linux-friendly national or regional ISPs?

Tough call.  I rang the tech support of a local ISP here, they asked
me what version of windows am I running... I said I wasn't running
windows, I was running Linux... their response was... "yeah, ok, but
what version of windows are you running?". 

---Regards, Steve Youngs--------Email:-<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>---
|     If Microsoft is the answer, then all I can say is that     |
|               you are asking the wrong question.               |
------------------------------<Don't be a Newbie--Be a Gnu-bie>---

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