> On Mon, 20 Dec 1999,  John Starkey wrote about,  Re: Minicom.....:
> >
> > I have been instructed to keep the LAN out of the picture till we can get the modem
> > working. So even if I knew how- I wouldn't be able to do it.
> >
> Presuming you are in normal console mode;
> ALT-F2 or ALT-F3 etc to enter another terminal, login as root do;
> ps ax
> You will see something like;
> 15949 pts/0    S      0:00 minicom -s
> Note down the first field,
> do;
> kill 15949  {in this example}.
> Now that does not kill the process, do;
> kill -9 15949
> Now its gone and the other terminal is now available again.

Sorry....as you can see I didn't know what you meant by terminal. But yes. I  no 
longer use a

How do I get to the other terminal. I am logged in as root all the time right now. I 
even gotten the system working yet. So I haven't set up a user.

> >
> > Is there a key-combination that will do it? It isn't taking ascii. I did read that 
> > But I don't know how to kill a process without command line. Reboot is the only 
>thing I
> > know. I'm at roughly 60 hours of JUST trying to get the system to connect to other
> > networks. I didn't have a problem with 4.2 (did with eth0 but I didn't know about
> > MSDOS'ing the set-up then rebooting Linux).
> >
> > > Your answer is minicom -s
> > > then configure the proper port so minicom can find the modem.
> >
> > I've tried all 4 ttyS's and it hasn't found the modem.
> ls -al /dev/modem
> Like you have been told before to see where the modem is,

There was no file so I followed the next few steps below. But I wanted to point out 
before I asked for help I went through so much info I'd never be able to trace my 
steps. And
since I've asked for help, I've gotten a lot of great advice, but being new to this it 
impossible for me to remember every command that I've been told to enter (I'm getting
non-posted email also). I'm sorry but this is still pretty overwhelming. I just got 
6.1 in
the mail. I now have a manual. So I can read the descriptions of the commands as i 
(without interrupting the terminal) so hopefully I will be able to understand what I 
am being
told enough to remember it. Entering this stuff in blindly is kinda robotic. But as 
much help
as I am getting here I can't expect anyone to explain every little detail  of what is 
on. So basically, what I am saying..... sorry about forgetting the previous commands, 
trying to keep up, and not ask for too much in the process.

Now, since I've done what you instructed below I am getting.

lrwxrwxrwx    1    root        5     Dec 20 12:51     /dev/modem -> ttyS1

So I guess it has detected the modem.

> if there is no /dev/modem then the modem is not linked to a serial port,
> You will have to find out on which port the modem is, say its on /dev/ttyS1
> thats comm2 under dos, do;
> cd /dev
> ln -s ttyS1 modem

I assume this command is what created the file I am referring to above. (/dev/modem)

> Now the modem is on comm 2.
> minicom -s
> choose Serial port setup
> hit the a key
> type in /dev/modem
> or if its /dev/ttyS1 that should do.
> choose the exit with arrow keys hit enter
> that should now put you in minicom.
> ctrl-z
> then a
> Thats the page where you can start things rolling.
> to exit
> ctrl-z { if you are not in that page}
> x for exit.

Ok. minicom is telling me ttyS1 is locked. I chmod'ed 770 on it and it's showing:

crwxrwx---     1    root    ttty    4,    65    May     5    1998    /dev/ttyS1

I remember seeing the term "lock" in a file pertaining to ppp somewhere. Should I 
search that
down and delete it or change a param or something???

Thanks again,


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