> I am sorry, I had no idea you didn't know about virtual consoles.  You
> mentioned having no trouble with RH 4.2 and I assumed you had installed
> that and were an experienced linux user who had run into a small patch
> of trouble.  I guess u know what that makes of me.  Thank Babbage Greg
> is on the job.

I sometimes try not to ramble too much because of bandwidth and the fact
that you guys are helping me. But I guess it is important that you know
where I am coming from. I thought I was asking a simple question. I had no
idea it would become this involved.

I am totally new to Linux. I saw Unix Unleashed in CompUSA for $14 and I
bought it. It had a copy of RH 4.2 on the CD. This was the very first
contact I've had with Linux. And that was Sunday the 13th (I think). I have
had it now for 8 days and I haven't done anything but set up ethernet and
internet. On Tuesday last week I went back to CompUsa to find a CD with RH
6.1. I found 6.0 and that is what I'm working with now. My RH commercial
distro came today at 1 pm. So now I have the manual and hopefully won't take
up too much time on this list with simple commands and definitions.

So that's it. I'm not gonna give up on this. I have never let a computer
beat me. I used UNIX for Telnet eons  ago (1992???) but 3 months later I
found out about the Web. And not long after I was able to access it. Now I
am working on my degree in Comp Info Science and need to understand UNIX.
And as it stands I owe what I know thus far to this list. Thank you very
much. Everyone. Especially you Lawson. You have to have spent several hours
on this with me.

Oh and referring to your reference to my comment, Lawson. I had no problems
with the _modem_ in 4.2. I was working on setting up the LAN when I upgraded
to 6.0. And here I am. The LAN is fine but now the modem is dead. But I
still haven't had a chance to play with Linux. All I have done is
troubleshoot and research. That's the extent of my experience with it. All
of the 8 days.

So now. I have my other PC back. With Windows installed. I have found a very
good use for windows now. I know how to erase it and put 4.2 on there. I
don't know how to downgrade from 6.0 to 4.2 on the Linux box. So thank you
Bill Gates. You have a use.

I am installing 4.2 on this PC and will compare the etc file on 4.2 with the
one on 6.0 (as per Lawson's suggestion) and will hopefully find out why my
modem worked with the old version and won't with the new.

I'll go back through all the other messages but to save bandwidth I'll
refrain from going into detail unless necessary. But to all of you that have
taken time to write me on this problem I really appreciate it.


> On Mon, 20 Dec 1999, John Starkey wrote:
> > Ahhhh..... got it.
> >
> > Can you also use these vt's as another user??? Now I'm really beginning
> to see
> > the power if Linux. Isn't much with modems but is great as a multi-user
> OS.
> >
> > This also brings up a question..... is this the definition of vt in
> vt100????
> >
> I don't think so.  I think the vt100 was an actual physical dumbish
> terminal manufactured by DEC in the dark ages before PC's, and used to
> communicate with the rooms full of equipment it used to take to add 2
> numbers.
> > I'll go back through Richard's message and re-read it.
> >
> > Sorry about the confusion.
> All's well that ends.
> >
> > Thanks
> > >
> > > greg
> > > --
> > > this is not here
> >
> Lawson
> __
> and nor is this
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