        Can you  help me out ... Something so puzzlings come up in one
of the linux systems here that we can't seem to figure it out here . 

        What has happened is that even as root we are unable to su to
another user account . It says "Cannot run /bin/bash permission denied"!.
which is the default shell. The root is only able to su to itself. We
thought perhaps someone has changed the root account. But that is not the
case either... We also gave "777" permissions to all files in /usr/bin
and /bin directories. Still the message persists .

        Moreover no user except the root is able to login . The system
simply says "No directory /home/<user> found " and the system closes the
login . Even the root is unable to use the login command to login as
another user. This with all users and home directories existing as
verified with linuxconf and userconf etc .. We also checked out the
/etc/profile and the /etc/bashrc files. Nothing seems to be suspicious .As
a last resort we gave all files from "777" permissions .The problem
remains unshaken ! 

        Now that I hope is a really good puzzle. Please help us!!

 -Indian Institute Of Information Technology , Hyderabad ,INDIA

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