> The system also has NT 4.0 installed on it but I have not encountered the
> hanging I find in linux.

Of course the problem may be with NT, disabling faulty hardware do you have
any error logs from NT. I can also assure you that NT will allocate its
memory in little packets so a bit for hard disk,video etc and send the rest
to the swap file, this can be 8 times the memory size. Compaq machines will
automatically disable bad areas of ram and  NT will not use these( would
linux use these areas ) also if smart ram is installed bad memory areas will
be avoided. This will avoid The BSOD and you would not know if you have a
memory problem at all.  Some NT machines have difficulty  using memory over
64 megs. This is caused by a hardware problem and not a setup configuration
one. It may be that this is the case on your machine and you have  a faulty
memory over
the 64 meg

ools.exe  will supply you with the tools, to check if NT is working

Run WINMSD.EXE and select the Memory tab

I am not sure with Linux but if NT tries to load it generally goes as below
 (POST) routines will be  run
MBR is loaded to memory, the program is run
Boot Sector from Active Partition is Loaded into Memory
Ntldr is loaded +initialized from the boot sector
Processor is changed from real mode to 32-bit flat memory mode
Ntldr starts some  minifile system drivers. (Minifile system drivers are
built into Ntldr and can read FAT or NTFS )
Ntldr reads the Boot.ini file
Ntldr loads the operating system selected, one of two things may happen
* If Windows NT is selected, Ntldr runs Ntdetect.com
* For other operating system, Ntldr loads and runs Bootsect.dos and passes
control to it. The Windows NT process ends here

Linux note now, NT has its boot loader and i have no experience of NT and
Linux on the same machine, but could lilo etc interfere with or cause the NT
loader to stop and theoretically keep the contents of the memory

Lots of love Jill

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