> I know that I can use CRON and .telnetrc to schedule and automate most of
> the Telnet process.  But, is there then a way to pass Cisco router commands
> to the router by somehow scripting the commands or redirecting them from a
> file on the Linux machine?  Is it futile to persue this?  Any assistance is
> appreciated.

>From man expect:

       Expect is a program that "talks" to other interactive pro­
       grams according to a script.  Following the script, Expect
       knows  what  can  be  expected from a program and what the
       correct response should be.  An interpreted language  pro­
       vides  branching  and  high-level  control  structures  to
       direct the dialogue.  In addition, the user can take  con­
       trol and interact directly when desired, afterward return­
       ing control to the script.


Marc Mutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        http://marc.mutz.com/Encryption-HOWTO/
University of Bielefeld, Dep. of Mathematics / Dep. of Physics

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