On Thu Dec 2 03:52:46 CST 2010 Brian O'Mahony wrote:
> ... there is no folder hierarchy selection visible.
I recently used backup exec agent version 13.0.4164 so I don't know if
it applies to your case.
My client was an Oracle Linux 5.5.
I noticed a sort of bug about the user to be created for backup and
the group it belongs to.
Say that the user you created is bckadm and the group is beoper, this
group CANNOT be the primary group of the user.....
Instead if I make the beoper group an additional group of this bckadm
user, it works.
Also, root user should be part of the beoper group

Summarizing in my case:
$ grep bckadm /etc/passwd

$ grep 503 /etc/group

$ grep beoper /etc/group


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