On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 12:37 PM, Brian O'Mahony
<brian.omah...@curamsoftware.com> wrote:
> Gianluca
> As david says in the next mail, it runs as root
Ok, I wasn't clear enough about my setup.
I saw inside manual that the "beoper" group is necessary for backup operations
Symantec support said to use root as user to configure on media
server. I was not satisfied about this anwer.

Indeed the beremote agent runs as root, as it is started form the init
script /etc/rc.d/init.d/VRTSralus.init

root      3874     1  0 Nov24 ?        00:00:00 /opt/VRTSralus/bin/beremote

So in my  I ran these:
# groupadd bckadm
# useradd -g bckadm -m bckadm
# usermod -G beoper,dba bckadm

(dba group ownership is for Oracle agent, as I use this user for setup
of backup of Oracle RDBMS too)

When I configured the media server and specified the user to connect
as for backup/restore operations I put bckadm and not root itself.
And to have this setup work, I had to get this user (different from
root) to be in beoper group as an additional one, but not as its
primary group.
I think that BE agent makes some sort of
grep ^beoper /etc/group and then a grep of the user specified in this
group itself
(and root matches; but if the beoper group is the primary one for your
special user, it doesn't match)

If instead you are using root, I'm not in your situation...


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