
Server PE R620 (HQ5YKZ1) with 10x 2.5'' disks.

Server has issues with overheating under load - especially BBU reaching 72C
degrees (checked via MegaCLI) and RAID going Write Through, but also CPUs

[28102218.790566] CPU8: Core temperature above threshold, cpu clock
throttled (total events = 4465803)
[28102218.790569] CPU24: Core temperature above threshold, cpu clock
throttled (total events = 4465674)
[28102218.791518] CPU24: Core temperature/speed normal
[28102218.816516] CPU8: Core temperature/speed normal

System is in cooled room. Inlet temperature reported by IMPI is OK:

root@spark~# ipmitool sdr |grep deg
Inlet Temp       | 28 degrees C      | ok
Exhaust Temp     | 49 degrees C      | ok
Temp             | 77 degrees C      | ok
Temp             | 77 degrees C      | ok

(and racadm  showing the same)

Previously there was IDRAC 1.57 installed. I upgraded it (with LC) using
recent version i.e.
IDRAC with Lifecycle Controller v.

Upgrade via web interface went fine. After upgrade  most features work but
I cannot get HW inventory and
also I cannot get fan status (rpms)? I have no problem to get hwinventory
via racadm (CLI) or fan reading via racadm or IPMI:

root@spark:~# ipmitool sdr |grep -i fan
Fan1A            | 8520 RPM          | ok
Fan2A            | 8520 RPM          | ok
Fan3A            | 8760 RPM          | ok
Fan4A            | 9000 RPM          | ok
Fan5A            | 8280 RPM          | ok
Fan6A            | 7800 RPM          | ok
Fan7A            | 7920 RPM          | ok
Fan Redundancy   | 0x01              | ok
Fan1B            | 8040 RPM          | ok
Fan2B            | 8040 RPM          | ok
Fan3B            | 8400 RPM          | ok
Fan4B            | 8760 RPM          | ok
Fan5B            | 7800 RPM          | ok
Fan6B            | 7560 RPM          | ok
Fan7B            | 7560 RPM          | ok

I have more R620s. I upgraded next one and the situation is the same.

Any hints: both on IDRAC malfunction as well as overheating of BBU and CPUs

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