Hi Gregorz

> Upgrade via web interface went fine. After upgrade  most features work but I 
> cannot get HW inventory and

I remember having similar issues on an R620 after upgrading from iDRAC 1.x to 
iDRAC with LC 2.10.10.

Here is the solution Dell Pro Support kindly provided at that point:
"After updating 4 servers with the same results, we tried Chrome and it worked. 
We then cleared the browser cache in IE and logged out then logged in and all 
the information is now displayed."

If that does not help you might have to enable inventory on reboot and restart 
the server:

Updating Server Inventory Information
To enable collecting system inventory on restart:
Boot into the LCC (F10)
In the left pane, click Hardware Configuration.
In the right pane, select Hardware Inventory.
Click Collect System Inventory on Restart.
Under Collect System Inventory on Restart, click Enabled, and then click Finish.
The system inventory is updated after the next restart.


> On Feb 9, 2016, at 2:38 PM, Grzegorz Bakalarski <bakalarsk...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi
> Server PE R620 (HQ5YKZ1) with 10x 2.5'' disks.
> Server has issues with overheating under load - especially BBU reaching 72C 
> degrees (checked via MegaCLI) and RAID going Write Through, but also CPUs 
> reporting:
> [28102218.790566] CPU8: Core temperature above threshold, cpu clock throttled 
> (total events = 4465803)
> [28102218.790569] CPU24: Core temperature above threshold, cpu clock 
> throttled (total events = 4465674)
> [28102218.791518] CPU24: Core temperature/speed normal
> [28102218.816516] CPU8: Core temperature/speed normal
> System is in cooled room. Inlet temperature reported by IMPI is OK:
> root@spark~# ipmitool sdr |grep deg
> Inlet Temp       | 28 degrees C      | ok
> Exhaust Temp     | 49 degrees C      | ok
> Temp             | 77 degrees C      | ok
> Temp             | 77 degrees C      | ok
> root@spark#
> (and racadm  showing the same)
> Previously there was IDRAC 1.57 installed. I upgraded it (with LC) using 
> recent version i.e.
> IDRAC with Lifecycle Controller v.
> Upgrade via web interface went fine. After upgrade  most features work but I 
> cannot get HW inventory and
> also I cannot get fan status (rpms)? I have no problem to get hwinventory via 
> racadm (CLI) or fan reading via racadm or IPMI:
> root@spark:~# ipmitool sdr |grep -i fan
> Fan1A            | 8520 RPM          | ok
> Fan2A            | 8520 RPM          | ok
> Fan3A            | 8760 RPM          | ok
> Fan4A            | 9000 RPM          | ok
> Fan5A            | 8280 RPM          | ok
> Fan6A            | 7800 RPM          | ok
> Fan7A            | 7920 RPM          | ok
> Fan Redundancy   | 0x01              | ok
> Fan1B            | 8040 RPM          | ok
> Fan2B            | 8040 RPM          | ok
> Fan3B            | 8400 RPM          | ok
> Fan4B            | 8760 RPM          | ok
> Fan5B            | 7800 RPM          | ok
> Fan6B            | 7560 RPM          | ok
> Fan7B            | 7560 RPM          | ok
> root@spark:~#
> I have more R620s. I upgraded next one and the situation is the same.
> Any hints: both on IDRAC malfunction as well as overheating of BBU and CPUs 
> ???
> Grzegorz
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