2009/3/5 net <netzerosp...@gmail.com>:
> wups bisa om pake expect tapi kok script yang di atas ga jalan yah
> sementara saya masih pake yang bawah ini (walaupun sebenernya saya
> maunya pk script yang diatas soalnya bisa saya gabung dengan while
> untuk membaca list server dari text file)
> dan masih bermasalah ketika belum tercantum di known host.. (expect
> biga gak pake if ?? )
> ada ide.. ??

Tetep kepengen expect ya?

spawn ssh ocr...@
expect {
 "(yes/no)?" {
        send "yes\r"
 } "Password:" {
       send "p...@ssw0rd\r"
send "ls -l\r"
expect eof

> #!/usr/bin/expect
> spawn ssh ocr...@
> # SSH confirmation
> #expect "(yes/no)?"
> #send "yes\r"
> expect Password:
> send "p...@ssw0rd\r"
> send "ls -l\r"
> expect eof
> On 3/2/09, Dani Firman Syah <xnu...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Saya coba bantu, silahkan ketik kode berikut, sebut saja namanya cekssh.sh
>> #!/bin/sh
>> # \
>> exec expect -f "$0" ${1+"$@"}
>> set password ISIPASSWORDSSH
>> spawn ssh [lindex $argv 0] [lindex $argv 1]
>> sleep 1
>> # SSH confirmation
>> #expect "(yes/no)?"
>> #send "yes\r"
>> expect "assword:"
>> send "$password\r"
>> expect eof
>> Jalankan scriptnya dengan sintaks sbb:
>> cekssh.sh [u...@host] [command]
>> Contoh:  cekssh.sh mylo...@myserver.com "ls -al"
>> regards,
>> DNF
>> --- Pada Kam, 26/2/09, net <netzerosp...@gmail.com> menulis:
>>> Dari: net <netzerosp...@gmail.com>
>>> Topik: Re: [linux-programming] login ke banyak mesin linux
>>> Kepada: linux-programming@linux.or.id
>>> Tanggal: Kamis, 26 Februari, 2009, 11:05 PM
>>> yeah about the security note its alright because it's
>>> just an experiment..
>>> but still its possible right ??
>>> oh iya kayanya bisa tuh pake expect... ada yang pernah
>>> nyoba gak ??
>>> thanks
>>> On 2/26/09, Yohanes Nugroho <yoha...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> > 2009/2/25 net <netzerosp...@gmail.com>:
>>> >> mau login ke banyak mesin linux dengan menggunakan
>>> ssh
>>> >>
>>> >> tapi ga pake private public key
>>> >
>>> > coba pake program sshpass (di debian ada packagenya,
>>> mestinya untuk
>>> > linux lain juga ada).
>>> >
>>> > Tapi renungkan dulu ini:
>>> >
>>> > SECURITY NOTE: There is a reason openssh insists that
>>> passwords be typed
>>> > interactively. Passwords are harder to store securely
>>> and to pass around
>>> > securely between programs. If you have not looked into
>>> solving your needs
>>> > using SSH's "public key authentication",
>>> perhaps in conjunction with the ssh
>>> > agent (RTFM ssh-add), please do so before being
>>> tempted into using this
>>> > package.
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Regards
>>> > Yohanes
>>> > http://tinyhack.com/freewarelist/s603rd/
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Berhenti langganan:
>>> linux-programming-unsubscr...@linux.or.id
>>> > Arsip dan info: http://linux.or.id/milis
>>> >
>>> >
>>> --
>>> --from the net with zero space--
>>> --
>>> Berhenti langganan:
>>> linux-programming-unsubscr...@linux.or.id
>>> Arsip dan info: http://linux.or.id/milis
>>       Nikmati chatting lebih sering di blog dan situs web. Gunakan Wizard
>> Pembuat Pingbox Online. http://id.messenger.yahoo.com/pingbox/
>> --
>> Berhenti langganan: linux-programming-unsubscr...@linux.or.id
>> Arsip dan info: http://linux.or.id/milis
> --
> --from the net with zero space--
> --
> Berhenti langganan: linux-programming-unsubscr...@linux.or.id
> Arsip dan info: http://linux.or.id/milis


Berhenti langganan: linux-programming-unsubscr...@linux.or.id
Arsip dan info: http://linux.or.id/milis

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