On Sun, 28 Feb 1999, m. allan noah wrote:

Thanks for a couple of people who pointed me to the answer.  I've
learned a lot about raid today but have a ways to go.

> is your system redhat 5.2? if so, do:
> rpm -e raidtools

It is redhat and this was my mistake.  I thought I did this, but
had not.  The make install was touching the raidstart file but
not updating it.

Everything is working now after a couple more mistakes.  But so
far I haven't lost any data so I consider it a learning success.

A sidenote, I am unable to do a mke2fs bs=4096 -R stride=8
/dev/md0. It comes back with an invalid argument message.  A
simple mke2fs /dev/md0 works fine.  Things do seem to get
confusing and I run out of memory if I do the mke2fs while the
raid array is reconstructing.  Waiting until its complete will
work fine.

A new question:  Is is possible to add additional disks into the
raid 5 array if it was not in the list when you did a mkraid?
If so how?

And while I'm at it... is a raid 5 array with only 2 disks
of any use at all?  From my understanding, raid 5 with two
drives is worthless, but I still don't quite grep how data is
written across the drives.

Here's the problem.  I have 3 drives I'd like to make raid 5, but
one of them has to initially get the system loaded/installed.
Once the other two devices are built and I can boot off them, I
can turn the first drive into part of the array if that's
possible.  Any suggestions?

Stephen Denny                                 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hex.Net Superhighway                             http://www.hex.net

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