On Fri, Apr 30, 1999 at 10:44:59PM -0400, m. allan noah thusly shaped the electrons:
> try 
> raidhotadd /dev/md0 /dev/hdjx
> raithotadd /dev/md0 /dev/hdix

I'm afraid this will not work as the md device is not started yet ...

> or whatever your drives are.
> this should put them back into the array, and begin syncing.

We have a similar problem on a 3way RAID5 with three different event
counters on the three discs. We *KNOW* two of the are synced because
power went off in seconds between the last two discs (sdc1 and sdb1),
and we also know that sda1 is not synced because the logs show it
went down some 4 hours before the rest happened and the RAID went on
in degraded mode.

We thought we could simply write the event counter we liked on the
disc we liked and try do restart in degraded mode, but the RAID
superblock has a checksum ...

BTW ... obviously the users have NEVER backed up the machine nor their
data ;)

Any ideas anybody ?
Giulio Botto
| MadEcto, the Neuromancer aka Giulio E. D. Botto                     |
|   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                        |
|                    PGP Key available via finger.                    |

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