Giulio Botto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: 

> On Fri, Apr 30, 1999 at 10:44:59PM -0400, m. allan noah thusly 
shaped the electrons:
> > try 
> > raidhotadd /dev/md0 /dev/hdjx
> > raithotadd /dev/md0 /dev/hdix
> I\'m afraid this will not work as the md device is not started yet 

was this about your condition? i did not think so. sorry-

> We have a similar problem on a 3way RAID5 with three different 
> counters on the three discs. We *KNOW* two of the are synced 
> power went off in seconds between the last two discs (sdc1 and 
wrong. just cause the power went off at the same time means nothing.
unless the disks writes were synced, and the raid code had finished
updating the data AND the parity stripe (which i guess you dont 
have cause of dead disk) you cant really say anything about the 
nature of the disks. battery backup and data backup are important 

> We thought we could simply write the event counter we liked on the
> disc we liked and try do restart in degraded mode, but the RAID
> superblock has a checksum ...

ok- dont do this without confirmation from someone with more 
experience, but what happens if you hose the bad partion with 
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdXX etc.

it seems that if you dont care about the data on that mirror cause 
it is at least 4 hours out of date, it should be ok to blast it.

the array may/may not start after this, but either way, you dont 
seem to lose anything :)

> BTW ... obviously the users have NEVER backed up the machine nor 
> data ;)

oh well, their problem :) try latest kernel, latest raid alpha 
patch, and build it again. they can re-type all their data :)


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