        Fisrt of all, thanks to all developers who are working on RAID fu
for Linux.. continue your great work!

Secondly.. I've a simple problem. I'm trying to get RAID-1 working on an
old 486 (for testing purposes) and I would like to mirror a tiny 10 MB
partition. (again.. for testing purposes).

I've recompiled 2.2.6 to include md support w/RAID-1. This is all on a
RedHat 5.2 boxen.

The problem is, when I'm trying to mkraid --really-force /dev/md0, I get
the following error message:

handling MD device /dev/md0
analyzing super-block
disk 0: /dev/hda2, 10336kB, raid superblock at 10240kB
disk 1: /dev/hdb1, 10352kB, raid superblock at 10240kB
mkraid: aborted, see the syslog...

And this, with raidtools 0.50, 0.90 and 0.90-1999-04-21.

cat /proc/mdstat says:

Personalities : [3 raid1]
read_ahead not set
md0 : inactive
md3 : inactive

tail /var/log/message tells me nothing.

So, what's happening? :)


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