On Sat, 15 May 1999, A James Lewis wrote:
  I've patched my kernel to 2.2.9 (After applying the 19990421-2.2.6 (To
  It worked until 2.2.9, then it appears to work but an array will
  never sync under 2.2.9... it just gradually increases the estimated time
  to completion forever....
  Any ideas?  I know there was some buffer changed in 2.2.9 perhaps that is
  an issue?
did you merge in the include/linux/fs.h reject?

Paul Jakma
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://hibernia.clubi.ie
PGP5 key: http://www.clubi.ie/jakma/publickey.txt
In Devon, Connecticut, it is unlawful to walk backwards after sunset.

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