On Tue, 25 May 1999, Luca Berra wrote:

  On Sat, May 22, 1999 at 04:31:01PM -0400, Fred Reimer wrote:
  > Second, where can I get patches for the alpha raid tools that RedHat chose
  > to put in their version of the kernel that will work under 2.2.9?  The
  DON'T use raid patches with kernel 2.2.8 or later, IT WILL HURT.

2.2.8 had a nasty block device problem which was solved in 2.9. What
other issues are there with 2.2.9?

(i've just gone and hand merged 2.2.9-ac1, raid0145 and devfs-v99.) 


Paul Jakma
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://hibernia.clubi.ie
PGP5 key: http://www.clubi.ie/jakma/publickey.txt
Those who claim the dead never return to life haven't ever been around
here at quitting time.

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