On Sun, 30 May 1999, Luca Berra wrote:

  dunno about 2.2.9-ac1 but for 2.2.8 and 2.2.9 raid will not


2.2.9-ac1 doesn't sync either. neither does 2.2.7-ac4. Something must
have broken in one of linus's 2.2.8-pre patches as one of the
features of 2.2.7-ac4 was a sync with linus.

i'm sticking with 2.2.7-ac1 :)

Anyone know whether 2.2.10-pre works?

And thanks to everybody for mailing me with the answer. appreciated.

Paul Jakma
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://hibernia.clubi.ie
PGP5 key: http://www.clubi.ie/jakma/publickey.txt
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