At 11:09 16.06.99 -0400, Aaron Bush wrote:
>I would like to do this from scratch that way the process is clear from the
>ground up.  I will wait to try the failed-disk method after I can get this
>done right from the start.  I am not doing root RAID.

The problem ist that creating the raid device the normal way (without
failed-disk stuff) will force you to overwrite both physical partitions at
the same time, so you can only use it to build a raid from empty partitions.

I'd recomend using the failed-disk stuff - converting from an existing
filesystem to raid is exactly what it's useful for.

>0) starting with nothing.... just 2 drives.
>1) install a Linux distribution onto /dev/sda[x]'s partitions, compiling the
>RAID1 into the kernel.

add failed-disk patch to kernel and raidtools.

>2) boot into the new install, check that RAID1 is registered by cat
>3) create sbd[x]'s partitions to match /dev/sda[x]'s.  Is now the time to
>set the /dev/sd[a-b][x] partitions to type 'fd'?

just change the type for the sdb partitions, leave sda alone for the moment.

>4) create /etc/raidtab for RAID1, using a format similiar to the HOWTO.

enter /dev/sda as failed-disk instead of raid-disk.

>5) umount the /dev/sda[x]'s then mkraid /dev/md[x]'s.  This will warn me,
>since I have installed Linux onto /dev/sda[x]'s, and I will force it??

with failed-disk: don't unmount sda[x], it won't be used by the raid device
right now.
without fialed-disk: yep, force it and overwrite the filesystem on sda[x].

>6) run mke2fs /dev/md[x] for each newly created /dev/md[x].

with failed-disk: now you've got an accessible /dev/md[x] device running
using just sdb[x] and the original sda[x]. 

without failed-disk: you've just created a clean, empfy filesystem on the
raid device. the data previously in sda[x] (and sdb[x]) is gone.

>7) now what? Is this where I have to copy (using a method described earlier)
>my /dev/sda[x]'s contents to the /dev/md[x]'s?
>What are the proper steps to follow??

with failed-disk: yes, this is where cou copy from sda[x] to md[x]. 
without: nothing left to copy, unless you've got some additional space or
backup device you saved your data to (before step 5).

8) After the copy, modify your fstab to mount /dev/md[x] partitions and reboot

9) check that the system came up correctly, that the md[x] devices are
mounted, that everything looks OK. The system is no longer using the old
sda[x] partitions. 

10) Now change the partition type of the sda partitions to fd. add the sda
partitions to your raid mirrors using raidhotadd. Wait till mirror
synchronisation finishes (see /proc/mdstat).

11) you're finished; you'll probably want to reboot and see if everything
comes up uk.

Bye, Martin.

"you have moved your mouse, please reboot to make this change take effect"
 Martin Bene               vox: +43-664-3251047
 simon media               fax: +43-316-813824-6
 Andreas-Hofer-Platz 9     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 8010 Graz, Austria        
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