Tom Rini wrote:
> On Fri, 2 Jul 1999, MadHat wrote:
> > Some of us, like myself, are less worried about it being integrated into
> > the main Kernel Dist as we are it working with releases newer than 2.2.6
> > I would like to know if anyone is actually working on this (a newer
> > patch) or if I should just write it off for the time being.
> >
> > The origional question never seemed to be answered.  Is anyone working
> > on patches for newer kernels?  If so, can we get a status here?
> Ingo posted a patch that fixed the problem with 2.2.8 at least.  I'm not
> sure if there are any additional problems with using .9 or .10.

Sorry must have missed it and did not see it in my archives or the web
ones. I will search again.

> ---
> Tom Rini (TR1265)

                      Lee Heath (aka MadHat) RHCE
"The purpose of life is not to see how long you can keep doing it. It's 
to see how well you can do it. There are things worse than death, and 
chief among them is living without honor."  -- Woodchuck, DC-stuff list

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