MadHat wrote:
> Eric Ladner wrote:
> >
> >
> Long time lurker, firsst time poster....

Not quite first.  I posted a question about 6 months ago.  I've been 
running a raid5 setup since about 2.1.100 or so.  Never had a lick 
of problems with it.  I had a disk get excluded from the set once 
when I pulled out a cable while it was spinning, did a hot add to 
get it back, and viola.

My secret to success?   Get the latest APPROVED kernels (mentioned
on this list), apply the latest patches from, and run
the latest raidtools from that same site.  As for kernel upgrades,
unless it fixes some pain for you, why up a minor point level just
for the heck of it (read below...).  I learned my lesson.

> Some of us, like myself, are less worried about it being integrated into
> the main Kernel Dist as we are it working with releases newer than 2.2.6
> I would like to know if anyone is actually working on this (a newer
> patch) or if I should just write it off for the time being.

True.  I went 2.2.9 for a while, but the md kernel thread never really did
it's job so I bounced back to 2.2.6.  No biggie, though.

I'm really waiting for the full integration and implementation of 
RAID, devfs and lvm support.  That is goint to be a really powerful 
combination.  I've been using lmv for years on HP, and if the linux 
implementation can overcome some of the shortcomings of the standard
Veritas implementation (which HP's is based on, I believe) it will be 
really nice (things like having to unmount and deactivate a volume
group to add a physical disk to it, having to umount filesystems to 
extend them, etc.).

> The origional question never seemed to be answered.  Is anyone working
> on patches for newer kernels?  If so, can we get a status here?

I agree.  It seems like quite a while since any headway has been made
at all (probably since late 2.1 or so).  I'm sure the thing hasn't been
dropped, but it sure seems to have gone underground somewhat.


Eric Ladner                       Registered Linux user #6965    
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                Stand up and be counted...
import COM.eladner.disclamer;  

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