> Zach:
> This is a question about your hardware setup...I can not answer about your
> software question.
> I am also wanting to set a system using ultra66 for 2 raid1 drives.
> If you are following the Linux-raid mail list, you have probably seen that
> some people are not to hot on ultra66 yet.  Did you get it to work on at
> least 4 drives?  I am planning to put boot/system/swap on 1 drive on the
> regular DMA33 bus and put the two RAID drives on 2 individual ultra66
> busses.

I got it to work with two Maxtor 27GB drives (all I had at the time).
Interesting experience...

The worst part was trying to get a boot sequence that works.  My root
is an 8Gig Maxtor (all linux/swap).  Lilo will not work no mattter if
I set it while connected to on-board IDE or the Ultra33.  Loadlin
even failed to work with and without the Ultra33 in the system; it
would freeze immediately after loading the kernel.  I finally had to
revert to booting from a floppy.

Beyond this headache, every thing else was a relative breeze (
exception: I found that 2.3.11 has a bug with fat support, so I
left this off in the kernel).  Using and installing md4.1 (5.0
wouldn't compile for some reason I forget) was extremely easy.

Here's where we get to the interesting part.  With two drives my
options were Linear, Raid0 and Raid1.  I got Raid0 working without
problems and tested it with hdparm.  Results: 15MB/sec with DMA on
4MB/s with it off.  Then I tried Linear across the drives.  Results:
18MB/s with DMA 4MB/s with it off.  Linear was faster than software

I experimented with several chuck sizes (4k 8k, 16k, 32k and 64k).
Highest performance with hdparm (15MB/s) came at a 16k setting.

This was on a Celeron 450 (overclocked 300A) with one drive per
channel of the Ultra66.

Best I can guess this means that either software raid tops out
at around 15MB/s with today's CPUs, or that the fact that I
was running through a single controller, w/ a single IRQ, limited
my performance.  I have another Ultra66 controller on order to see
if striping the disks across it improves performance.

> What motherboard and/or controller are you using for ultra66?

The Promise Ultra66

> Does Suse Linux support the ultra66?  I am trying Red Hat 6.0 standard
> retail box.  Are you having to custom program some drivers to get ultra66 to
> work?  (I am not a Linux programmer type...struggling with Samba and
> RAID....)

2.3.8 didn't support the Promise Ultra66 (at least it didn't recognize
it on boot).  2.3.11 did.

I believe there is a Raid patch to a 2.2.X kernel that will also support
the new card, but Suse 6.1's standard kernel (2.2.25) didn't have it.

> Hope you can get your setup going...

A couple of earlier posts/emails directed me to the geyser of knowledge
that is the Documentation directory under /usr/src/linux ( and served to
hurt my pride in that the data I had been looking for for days was
already in a file on my system :-/ )

Thanx to all that helped me.

> Skip Harrison
> Online Computer Supply
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Zach Coombes, AMD Austin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sunday, July 25, 1999 12:58 PM
> Subject: How to add more ide device files?
> >I'm running Suse 6.1 with 2.3.11, an Ultra66, and an Ultra33 (masochism
> >runs in my family).  I've noticed that the ide device files only go up to
> >hdh, allowing only 4 controllers to be accessed at a time.  This freezes
> >out my motherboard/chipset controller.
> >
> >Is there an automated way to scan the installed hardware and extend this
> >list?  I know I can mknod till the cows come home (moo), but I haven't
> >figured out how to get the major numbers for the additional controllers.
> >
> >Any dev-vy kind of people out there that can shed some light on this?
> >
> >Thanx,
> >
> >-Z
> >
> >------------------------------------------------
> >Zach Coombes                            _______
> >Sr. "Wants to grow up to be a EE" guy   \____  |
> >AMD, Austin                              _   | |
> >email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]             / |_ | |
> >                                        |__/  \|
> >
> >------------------------------------------------
> >Zach Coombes                            _______
> >Sr. "Wants to grow up to be a EE" guy   \____  |
> >AMD, Austin                              _   | |
> >email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]             / |_ | |
> >                                        |__/  \|
> >

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