Question for the list & SCSI gurus...

Is there any code that will allow SCSI drives to spin down after X amount
of unused time?  I have 3 different RAID 0 arrays (7 3 and 4 drives) that
are in my server system.  The data on them is not often updated and is
backed up whenever it is.. (Which is why I chose level 0. I realize the
problems I'm gonna have if one drive goes down.)  But one of the drive
arrays is rarely used (like less than once a week for about 5 hours total).
 However, the drives are constantly on & spinning - generating heat and
shortening their life span.

Is there anything that will allow me to spin these drives down after, say,
2 hours of unused time and then will cleanly spin them back up when they
are accessed?


1023 High Lake Court
Raleigh, NC. 27606
#: 919-852-0292

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